Kim Kardashian’s daughter announces upcoming album release

There is clearly someone to take care of this little baby. Actually, this is neither more nor less about the eldest daughter between Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. His father literally revolutionized the world of rap Style between the ghetto and the son of a good family In imagination. Kim Kardashian, on the other hand, was able to use her advantageous appearance to build a real empire that is now worth billions of dollars. In fact, North West sets out to start his career with a full set of solid gold dishes in his mouth. This little 10-year-old girl has all the cards in her hands to follow her father’s footsteps. Take a look at her character, which she definitely didn’t steal.

North West: He entered rap

While his father Kanye West tops the US charts with his new album vulture, North West intends to follow in his footsteps. Thus, she had already declared on several occasions that she wanted to rap in her father’s image. The latter already have some experience in the field. Thus, we were able to see him working with rapper Ty Dolla Sign during studio tests.

In another register, we have already seen him with a strong character in the famous Kardashian reality show. Plus, North West didn’t hesitate to match her mom’s look for the Met Gala during a glitter session. All this is in front of the manufacturer of the said dress. A clarity which, if combined with writing talent, can prove absolutely beneficial in an environment in which writing takes precedence over melody.

for reading
Lena’s statuses on vacation: She completely copies the Kardashians!

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