La Jornada – Finances of the Faculty of Medicine, without link to the investigation of the former official: UNAM

The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) indicated that the Faculty of Medicine and its financial statements are not related to the investigation conducted by the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), which refers to a specific authority. .

Through a statement, the Supreme House of Studies indicated that in the context of the blocking of various bank accounts of the aforementioned faculty, the school and its accounts “have nothing to do with the investigation conducted by the UIF.”

According to UNAM, “the investigation in question is limited to the entirely personal case of Luis Arturo González Nava, who until a few weeks ago served as administrative secretary of the academic unit and whose signature was attached by the investigating bodies to an office in which González Nava was the first partner.

Similarly, he indicated that “Last December, the then Administrative Secretary of the Faculty of Medicine, Luis Arturo González Nava, announced that his personal bank accounts were blocked by order of the UIF and the same happened with the accounts of the Faculty Where their signatures appeared jointly.

“The Administrative Secretariat of the University then proceeded to appoint a person in charge of the Administration Office of the aforementioned academic unit, so that González Nava could be completely free to address the matter that affected him.”

In recent days, the university said, “Despite the fact that Gonzalez Nava’s signature does not appear on many of the accounts blocked by the faculty, a federal judge decided not to include the university as an injured third party.” Did, which is why UNAM filed a lawsuit to directly protect against the blocking of their institutional accounts.

“It is in this context that the National University and its Faculty of Medicine have requested for the release of various institutional bank accounts that were affected in the process. The Administrative Secretariat, together with the University Treasury, has taken the relevant measures on a temporary basis, so that the Faculty of Medicine can continue to carry out its important functions normally.

(TagstoTranslate)Faculty of Medicine(T)UIF(T)Luis Arturo Gonzalez Nava(T)UNM(T)Noticia

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