Learn about medicine and get a certificate with official validity with this free course – Teach Me About Science

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Medicine is one of the most important sciences, as its main objective is to prevent diseases and heal the diseases already present in the body as well as the injuries that occur. Likewise, it is responsible for preventing and promoting health with care that prevents us from getting sick, because it is better to prevent the appearance of a disease than to treat it as much as possible.

Word Medicine It comes from Latin ‘Medicine’, from which it originates ‘Medicus’, and both are derived from the word meadery (care, treatment, cure), an activity which this science performs completely. If you are interested in studying medicine, you can take the course that we bring for you today, because through it you can be introduced to medicine if you want to continue the career or just learn from it Are.

This course is taught by the Edutin Academy platform, it is completely free, online and has a total of 120 certified hours. As an estimate, you can study for 1 to 2 hours per week at your own pace. And upon completion, you will receive a certificate with official international validity that you can include in your resume. the course is called introduction to medicine And it is made up of 6 units and their respective lessons.

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introduction to medicine

Unit 1. Introduction to Medicine

History and concept of medicine

° Historical Tour of Medicine

° Basic principles and functions of medicine

°Fundamental Skills for Medicine

° Humanities, Medicine, Science and Arts

° Development of medicine in the 21st century

Unit 2. Fields of Study in Medicine

° Biophysics

° biochemistry

° genetics


° Histology



Unit 3. Medical Specialties, Operating Environment and Fundamental Knowledge

° Introduction and basis of semiotics

° Basic medical-surgical specialties

° Legal and forensic medicine

Unit 4. Professional and Ethical Competencies of the Doctor

° Nature and fundamental abilities of the doctor

°Bioethics and medicine

°Hippocratic Oath

° Doctor’s comprehensive qualifications

°Doctor’s Complementary Skills

Unit 5. Medicine and Human Development

° Relationship between medicine, health and wellness

° Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

° Health and Wellness


° Pan American Health Organization

°Concept of mass medicine and social welfare

Unit 6. Research Methodology in Medicine

° Introduction and concepts of health research

°Fundamental concepts of research

°Difference between medical treatment and medical research

°Justification of medical research

° Processes, concepts, structures and methods of medical research

° Sources of medical research

° Foundations of medical research and innovation

To register for the course, you must create an account on the Edutin Academy platform or log in if you already have an account. Within the platform, simply enter the link below so you can start your training as soon as possible.

Click on the link to go to the course Course: Introduction to Medicine. This will take you straight to the course.

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