Lima 2027: Steps taken to win the Pan American Games venue by 28 votes Panam Sports | COP | game-total


Lima was selected as the venue for the 2027 Pan American Games. After the Panem Sports Assembly, the vote for the election for the capital of Peru was 28 votes. Lima will host its second Pan American Games in history

Lima’s candidacy was presented by COP President Renzo Manyari, Prime Minister Gustavo Adriánzen, Lima Mayor Rafael López Aliaga and athlete Eduardo Romay. Additionally, President Dina Boluaert’s commitment was shown through a video.

Of earlier

Today Lima can once again become the sports center of the continent. This morning Panem Sports has been chosen host of the 2027 Pan American Games and our capital has solid arguments to host this mega event for the second time.

WATCH: “The feeling is that we must win”: more than infrastructure, the foundation on which the Lima 2027 candidacy is based

There will be forty minutes in which Lima will have to convince the members of Panem Sports that it is the best option to organize the Pan American Games of 2027 and will be accompanied by the voices of the Peruvian Olympic Committee President Renzo Manyari and Gustavo Adriánzen. in charge. Recently appointed Prime Minister. Unfortunately Carlos Zegarra, Director of the Legacy Project, could not make the trip, but will continue the program from Lima, offering his full support.

The mode of selection will be virtual, but the exhibition will be held in person from the JW Marriott in Miami. At 8am the activity starts with the protocol portion and then the presentation of each candidate with 40 minutes for each – who would start was kept confidential. Panem Sports members will follow the activity virtually and will have time to ask relevant questions.

“After the exhibition, they send a link to the registered email of each NOC (National Olympic Committee) and in that link you vote and it is counted,” Renzo Manyari tells us. There are 41 member committees and countries that have already organized the Pan American Games have double votes, equal to 52 votes (not counting Peru and Paraguay). “27 votes are needed to win,” the COP director summarized.

It is more than relations or lobbying work, it is about presenting the best candidacy on these grounds: having the infrastructure that guarantees a good event, the budget being sufficient so that the level of the event is maintained and the country’s authorities and The city goes hand in hand with the sports project, and the Lima 2027 candidature has achieved this in a remarkable way. And they support that after Lima 2019, the Central Government committed to the organization of Bolivarianes 2024 and also achieved the realization of Bolivarianes 2025, which Ecuador could not accomplish.



40 members

52 votes

– Countries organizing the Games have received double votes (11)

27 votes to win the seat

representative of peru

Gustavo Adriazen – Premiere

Renzo Manyari – COP

Rafael López Aliaga – Mayor of Lima

Eduardo Romay – athlete


JW Marriott Miami Hotel

– Committees continue virtually


8:00 am

40 minutes for each candidate

question cycle

online voting

TV: Panam Sports Channel


What will be the differentiating factor regarding Asuncion? “We have the best human team,” Carlos Zegarra tells us and Lima 2019 director Carlos Neuhaus added: “There is a qualified team that was at Lima 2019, that went to Santiago 2023 and was at Qatar 2022 and Tokyo 2020 .” This refers to people who have worked in the organization of these events.

Follow the voting live from Miami

But Peru not only presents itself as a great event for the Pan American Games, it also does so from the perspective that it is not the ultimate objective, but rather part of an event that aims to position the country towards sports development. takes place, a discourse that the Panama Games itself encourages… This also lies the strength of Asuncion, who sees this possibility as a first step to move forward in terms of sport. They want to become the second country with fewer than 7.5 million inhabitants to host the Pan American Games, as Puerto Rico did in 1979. And they want Youth Olympic Games for 2030.

Today it is defined as between the two options. Asuncion has been working on this candidacy for almost a year, since Lima last January, but with the conviction and experience to know how to make the best game in history.


(TagstoTranslate)Lima 2027(T)Pan American Games(T)Pan American Games 2027(T)COP(T)Renzo Manyari(T)PANM Sports(T)Legado(T)Carlos Zegarra(T)Gustavo Adrianzen

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