Livia Brito reveals about her battle against weight loss: “I’m too thin”

Mezeheat |  livia brito instagram

Mezeheat | livia brito instagram

livia brito Has opened his heart to his fans about his battle with the scale. In a video recently published on his social networks, the protagonist of the soap opera as lifeless And mine of passion He told how due to his recent illness he lost two kilos in weight in a week.

“I lost two kilos due to a stomach ailment. Just got tested today, lost two kilos in a week; I’m very thin,” Brito shared. The Cuban actress mentioned that she couldn’t believe how quickly her muscles diminished when she was forced to interrupt her exercise and healthy eating routines.

“I’m so skinny, I mean, how could it be possible that I stop eating well for a week and my stomach gets upset? I didn’t even exercise, but exercise isn’t really advisable and dieting Not easy for me, nothing is fair,” she lamented without revealing what was in her stomach.

Despite the difficulties, the actress has remained positive and has already started a new nutrition regimen to gain weight and hydrate with plenty of water.

Livia also used the opportunity to send a message of encouragement to her fans who can identify with her struggle. β€œIt doesn’t matter whether you have lost two kilos, three or five kilos, the point is to continue, try, eat well, continue and stay in good shape with your stomach, your health and everything else. Something will come along for you,” he said optimistically.

The model and influencer’s experience is a reminder that health and physical well-being is an ongoing process that requires effort and dedication. However, it’s also important to be kind to yourself and celebrate every small accomplishment on the path to a healthy life.

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(TagstoTranslate)Livia Brito(T)Encouraging Messages(T)Mines of Passion(T)Exercise Routine(T)Healthy Eating

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