Luisito Comunica and his propaganda for Nayib Bukele that dehumanises and justifies human rights violations

Luisito communicated during his visit to CECOT, the prison that Nayib Bukele flashed to the world.  (Youtube capture/Luisito Communica)

Luisito communicated during his visit to CECOT, the prison that Nayib Bukele flashed to the world. (Youtube capture/Luisito Communica)

This idea is very practical: almost invite a YouTuber Luisito Comúnica 42 million subscribersSo you can learn about the megagel with which Nayib Bukele purged El Salvador. He, who is an expert, must do the rest: portray what he saw, convey his feelings to the audience and, of course, play into the hands of the government of El Salvador., the last but not the least. In fact, that was the main purpose of the video that the Mexican content creator recorded in CECOT (Terrorism Confinement Center).

It is clear that no one can enter the jail willingly to make recordings in this manner. Luisito said he has special press permits – there is interest in doing so, as other videos and written histories about CECOT have come out these days. But the case of Luisito Comúnica is special because, it must be said again, it has almost 42 million subscribers and, above all, the sympathy of President Bukele, whom he interviewed for his podcast in 2021. Bukele understands that his popularity cannot be explained without the worldwide Luisito Comunica, which washes his face and promotes him as an effective ruler.

Was Luisito interested in discovering the families of the prisoners? Should you consult a human rights expert to balance your video? No, he only talked to one prisoner, who confessed to his crimes and sent a serious message, As if to illustrate that this is what life is like for all prisoners: they are guilty and deserve the worst. One prisoner was enough to justify the trend from beginning to end: dehumanizing them, removing their category of person to justify their treatment. “When you learn about the atrocities they committed, everything makes sense.”

And the popular verdict prevailing these days is known: That they are criminals and deserve this and more, that they show no mercy when they kill, torture and kidnap; People live peacefully on the streets today – not on the poor streets, where the government somehow finds the culprits without proving them. With most enlightened people not fully understanding that the end justifies the means, the media shut down innocent people, as documented in a report by El País, which showed that an anonymous complaint Anyone with a felony can end up in jail, accused of being a criminal out of revenge. In a neighborhood dispute. But everything seems perfect for Bukele… and for Luisito and the rest of the voluntary, involuntary, convinced, manipulated converts.

The landslide victory with 84.6% of the votes, confirming his re-election, is the strongest argument to vindicate Bukele., At this point, few people care that he violated the Constitution to formalize his second term -Which will start from June 1, although his word remains the most important in the country-, Since we have come to that situation, it does not stop us from dreaming that the emergency regime approved in March 2022 will capture 7 thousand innocent people, who will be released in August 2023. But the official status was “only” 72 thousand detainees. 7 thousand were innocent. So this was proof of its effectiveness.

Such evidence characterizes Bukele’s social cleansing, such as an anonymous line to report anyone suspected of being associated with or collaborating with the organization. With Mara Salvatrucha 13 or Barrio 18 —Being a suspect under subjective and even personal criteria is enough to go to jail; If they do this then first punish and then ask questions. Bukele guaranteedIn 2019, having just taken office, who will respect human rights in their fight against gangs? It was a formality that had to be got rid of in order to function as it was intended from the beginning: arbitrarily, suspending constitutional guarantees, With violations of due process and inhumane treatment of prisoners, regardless of whether they are guilty or innocent.

This is the politics of fear: let everyone see what could happen to them. And let them see it for the whole world through the eyes of Luisito Communica and allies. Let us tell you that Bukele’s powerful speeches are spread on TikTok. Eternal applause to the regime which now enjoys support. And that’s why they feel they have the power to violate human rights, ignore democratic and constitutional rules, and use influential people to perpetuate plastic approval.

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(TagstoTranslate)Nyib Bukele(T)Luisito Comunica(T)The World(T)CECOT(T)The Prison

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