Maduro bans Aerolíneas Argentinas planes from flying in Venezuelan airspace


In an unprecedented situation in relations with Caracas, the Nicolás Maduro regime banned Aerolíneas Argentinas flights over Venezuelan airspace. This affects commercial routes which must be diverted by the national flag company.

By: Clarins

Mainly those that go to Punta Cana, but also some flights that go to Miami and New York, Clarin learned from highly official sources.

This led the Foreign Ministry to send two notes of complaint to the Chavista regime. And Maduro’s ambassador to Buenos Aires, Stella Lugo, was also summoned to the Foreign Ministry weeks ago over the matter. Chavista diplomats looked into the claim, but there was no change. Airlines flights are still unable to cross Venezuelan airspace.

The government believes this is revenge for Boeing’s delivery of Amtrasure cargo to the United States, where Justice claimed it was subject to a sanctions and embargo scheme against Venezuela and Iran.

“Aerolíneas Argentinas informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the obstruction in the use of Venezuelan airspace. The reasons for implementing this constraint were never specified, resulting in minimal operational impact for the airline,” said company sources consulted by Clarins. He didn’t say anything else.

You can read the full note here bugle

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