Man sentenced for writing poem inciting to kill Putin

A Russian court sentenced a man to seven years in prison for a poem in which he anticipates the emergence of a new thing in Russia Claus von Stauffenberg, A text seen by justice as a provocation to kill Putin, the author of the attempted assassination of Hitler.

As the specialized NGO OVD-Info reported on Thursday, a military court in Moscow recognized on March 19 alexandre bivchev Guilty of “calling for terrorism” and “spreading misinformation” about the military.

The defendants delivered the verdict in a letter sent to Russian rival Anatasia Chevchenko in exile.

According to OVD-Info, he was prosecuted for a short anti-war poem published on Facebook, which began with the phrase “Missiles falling on Ukraine” and in the conclusion of which he wrote that he was waiting for the appearance of “Russians”. Had addressed the soldiers of his country. Stauffenberg.

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He Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg He organized an unsuccessful attack against Adolf Hitler on July 20, 1944, and was shot after the failure of this coup attempt.

Referring to the von Stauffenberg case, poet Alexandr Byvchev called for the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to the indictment.

During his trial, he was also accused of spreading a photo showing destruction in a Ukrainian town where his aunt lived when Russian forces attempted to capture Kiev in the spring of 2022.

According to the memorial, Alexander Byvchev, 51, lived in a village in the Russian region of Orel (West) and is a German teacher. The NGO said that he was temporarily detained from February 2023 under the same case.

Since the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2014, he had already been prosecuted for writing critical poems. Kremlin. Because of that, he lost his job as a teacher, but he was never sentenced to jail.


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