María Corina Machado has warned that if Maduro remains in power, the region will face the largest wave of migration ever seen.

Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado at an event in Caracas on January 29.
Miguel Gutierrez (EFE)

The unitary presidential candidate, María Corina Machado, warned this Thursday that if Nicolás Maduro decides to prevent free elections and remain in power “by force”, the migration of Venezuelans will increase, affecting the countries of the region .

by v monitor

“If Maduro remains in power through hard work, it would mean the largest migration wave ever in the short term. People tell me that they don’t leave because they have hope,” Machado warned during a conference organized by the Foreign Relations Commission of Argentina’s Chamber of Deputies.

The opposition leader emphasized that “if Maduro imposes himself by force, the region will see migratory pressures like never before, but it will also be the consolidation of a mafia system that has made our region a hotbed of activity.” Presented as a sanctuary.” Cartel.” For Sinaloa, for the ELN and the Colombian guerrillas, for the organized crime gangs that have already reached the south and north of the continent, and as a gateway to the regimes of Russia and Iran, which are part of Maduro’s great Are allies.

He stressed that this would “present a scenario of dire implications for all Latin American countries.”

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