Medicine or poison for Argentina?

Saint Joseph, -Without giving up your war cry-“Long live freedom, damn it!”-and blessed usa And this International Monetary Fund (IMF), President of Argentina, far-right xavier mileyPushed ahead with a shocking economic adjustment plan in the first 43 days of his 1,461 days in government, with long-term and uncertain consequences, only to… be either a loser or a winner and with no intermediate heroes: about 46 million Argentina.

Subject to the outcome of a package of legislative reforms – the “omnibus law” – which he announced on 12 December, just 48 hours after being installed. pink house (seat of the presidency), and which he sent to Congress on the 27th (Senate and Chamber of Deputies), Miley bet heavily on implementing a strict, radical or conservative program, with the warning that, otherwise, there would be only one safe outcome: defeat for all of Argentina, without any middle ground.

Pretending to be pharaonic or messianic, immovable and immovable, Miley throws away her chips without any apparent desire to interact with them at the same time. reassure and reconfirm They are the only route to Argentina and the route is to implement them, then to implement them and then to implement them.

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Members of social organizations in a protest against a megadecree of sweeping economic reforms by President Meili, in Buenos Aires province.  Photo: Luis Robayo |  AFP

Members of social organizations in a protest against a megadecree of sweeping economic reforms by President Meili, in Buenos Aires province. Photo: Luis Robayo | AFP

“Everything is imposed,” said the Argentine political scientist. mario riordaPresident of (Non-State) Latin American Association of researchers in election campaigns and director of master’s degree political communication (non-state) from Universidad Austral, Argentina.

“There’s no way to debate (with Miley) the president’s moral superiority”. “non-argument”Riorda said in a message he sent universal,

While evaluating the President’s speech last Wednesday Davos World Forum, Switzerland, to defend his policies, Riorda reiterated that Miley asserted his “moral superiority”. His definition of economic policy consisted of one sentence: “What is just and morally best”, with a “misleading and pre-scientific logic” in which the President insisted that “the empirical evidence is indisputable.”

“In their eyes, the world is a ‘Wrong theoretical framework’, The entire western world was wrong since 1800 (their ‘data’), except them and their libertarian ‘theorists’. All political ideologies, all media, all universities, all international multilateralism“, he insisted.

After highlighting that Miley is in “Primitivism”alleged that there are also “Denialism” with “denied” to politics, the state, climate change or feminism, to classify them as “perceived harmful social conflicts”.

“(Miley) has never been more forceful in defending big business: ‘The businessman as social benefactor.’ (…) The great businessman as a ‘hero’. He maintained a clear stance In defense of monopoly. He defined the state as a coercive actor because of its distributive role (distortive according to him),” he stressed.

“In his view, anyone solidarity decision And public, The state in the service of human competition. He warned, “Denying science, denying diversity, denying examples of public organization, is an illogical state of affairs lacking coexistence agreements.”

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After winning the second round of the presidential election on November 19, 2023, argentinaAnd after finishing second for the first time on 22 October that year, Miley took over on 10 December to replace Lefty Alberto Fernandez And ruled for 48 months.

Nominated by his party freedom advanceThe extroverted politician came to power through elections, 40 years after the return of democracy and its end. military dictatorshipWho ruled from 1976 to 1983.

Although he defeated the leftists sergio massaEndorsed by Presidential Candidate FernandezMiley also did not get a majority of senators or deputies.

For this reason, his economic “surprise” projects will have to cross a path… without the pressure of the Casa Rosada and with greater threats. street protests Millions of people hit by inter-annual inflation, which is officially set to hit 211.4% in 2023 and 94.8% in 2022 and this, according to a whirlwind independent forecastCould reach 222% in 2024.

between streams of forecasts from multiple private actor And publicIn terms of Argentina, internally and externally, gross domestic product (GDP) will move from a contraction of 3.5% in 2023 to one of around 2% in 2024 and an increase of 1.5% in 2025. economy According to official records, that grew by 10% in 2021 and fell to 5.2% in 2022.

Miley’s team unveiled the plan on December 12, when liberals, libertarians, anarchists and populists sat down presidentialA devaluation of more than 104% set in, rising from 391 Argentine pesos per dollar to 800 and reaching around 838 on the 17th of this month.

Prescription also cut, terminated state employment contracts government advertisementReduced the number of ministries from 18 to 9 and the number of secretariats from 106 to 54, canceled new investments in public works and reviewed those in progress. executionreduced state subsidies for transportation and energy, reduced the amount of transfers to provinces (states) and modified the system of Import In addition to other measures, of goods.

To reinforce these initial actions, the President sent the 27th Congress The package or proposal for an “omnibus law”, is thus designated to include a large number of factors on board and is officially called the “basis and starting point”. Argentine independence”, with proposals for economic, tax or tax, electoral, energy and penal reforms.

After asking to debate the plan “in the light of the drama.” economic condition and the social situation in which our country is immersed,” Miley and his Cabinet said as signatories to the massive document spanning more than 180 pages and 664 articles. initial idea and general aspects of the internal and external scenario of the country and

“Argentina is immersed in serious and deep Economic Crisis, financial, fiscal, Social, provisionalOf Security, defending, Tariff, energy, sanitary And Social Unprecedented, which affects all levels of society and the functioning of the state,” he explained.

“The levels of poverty and poverty that affect large sectors of the Argentine population, 45% and 10% respectively, have reached historical records that not only Economic And socially harmful But, above all, morally unacceptable,” he said.

Efforts will be made to modify the project “Hundreds of laws implemented”the newspaper told NationOne of the main in Argentina.

With no time for a honeymoon, no learning curve, or time to settle into the command chair, Miley realized that always almanac Will be one of his rivals.

“One month is too short to evaluate any government. But in the case of Miley’s Argentina, the period has been so intense that it seems like a year,” the Brazilian independent analyst and researcher stressed. Leonardo CoutinhoChairman of InBrain Consultantsprivate consulting firm Washington,

“The first important event was his inaugural speech, For possibly the first time in history, Argentines were treated like adults chairman, Miley told them without any clarity Example That the country has no money for anything. And let alone paying for the populism that has marked generations of leaders,” he recalled.

In response to questions from this newspaper, he said that Miley “presented radical measures Which are effective treatments for serious problems from cold argentina, But the central question is this. “Although the treatments are good, are they the best or are the doses adequate?”

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“Miley applies treatment Obviously True, but in large quantities. When this happens, the medicine can turn into poison. This is a risk to Miley’s success and instability argentina, “Miley is still at the beginning and will have a lot of time to adapt to this shock therapy,” he explained.

“If you don’t do that,” he added, “You are making a risky bet that could cost you dearly”,

When talking about leftism Christina Fernandez widow of KirchnerPresident from 2007 to 2015 and Vice President from 2019 to 2023. Fernandezpredicted that “It is very likely that this will go wrong in the face of the destabilizing action of Kirchnerism and its protesters and the formal action of the opposition, which will know how to capitalize on popular discontent.”

“Miley was chosen to put the house in order and save the ailing Argentinian economy. But it is taking a very extreme path, which, if not immediately adjusted, could represent another opportunity cost for the South American country,” he suggested from Washington’s perspective.

For now, Miley has already received support International Monetary Fund, a player from abroad who is fundamental in the Argentine economy. in support of “Strong political efforts” According to Miley, the fund agreed with Argentine government envoys on the 11th of this month to provide Argentina with $4.7 billion to face upcoming debt maturities.

Fernandez slammed the government for failing to honor financial commitments before 10th december International Monetary Fund He confirmed that he would support “strong political efforts by the new authorities to restore macroeconomic stability.”

with unconditional loyalty European Union And israelMiley now moved forward with the confidence that she had received the nod of support from the White House and never stopped short of declaring: “Long live freedom, damn it!”,

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(tagstotranslate)Javier Miley

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