Meditative Music Program: Meditation with sounds that reduce stress. welfare

when you talk Attention, many people think of it as a difficult and disturbing practice, requiring silence and stillness to achieve an “empty mind.” The reality is that the goal of meditation is Be present in the moment, practice mindfulness and connect with yourself, Its great popularity in recent decades is due to its wide range of benefits. “It’s true that it will help you low blood pressureBut there’s so much more: It can help your creativity, your intuition, your connection with your inner self,” says Burke Lenihan, a meditation teacher at Harvard University Center for Wellness.

,Meditation can reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, In addition, it also improves the ability to think, concentrate, and solve problems, as well as the ability to adapt and overcome emotional problems. Since mental health has a profound impact on physical health, these benefits often extend to improved sleep, too.high blood pressure, heart function, among other aspects,” explains Karen Bond, certified medical assistant at the Cleveland Clinic.

Just as it has different benefits, similarly we can find different forms of this practice also. which is very attractive for its relaxing properties Sound meditation, also known as “”sound therapy,

“Sound therapy talks about how sound vibrations and frequencies interfere with our own vibrations. Sound changes our energy. Human beings not only eat food, but we also feed on what we see, what we say and what we hear.”explains Dennis Araujo, sound therapy facilitator and graduate in human psychology.

Dennis Araújo plays various instruments in meditative concert sessions while attendees lie down doing personal work.

Dennis Araújo plays various instruments in meditative concert sessions while attendees lie down doing personal work.

How is silent meditation different from sound meditation?

,Silent meditation seeks to connect with what lives within us in a more contemplative way., Although different techniques are used, it is more focused on observing and focusing complete attention on a single point,” explains Denis Araújo.

,A wide range of stimuli are used in sound meditation.: Sounds of flutes, bowls, drums, songs. They are very specific sounds of nature that help us connect with those landscapes., Through these sounds we can imagine and feel ourselves in a forest, on a beautiful mountain or on a beach. We can connect to our inner landscape”, adds the sound therapy facilitator.

Karen Bond explains that sound bathing is based on the idea that particular frequencies of the devices correspond to specific energy centers in the body. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is based on the concept of qi (pronounced “chee”), which translates as energy or force flowing through the body. This practice may be especially beneficial for those who want to relieve stress, improve sleep, and increase body awareness.“, it shows.

During sessions, you usually feel a release of intense energy or muscle fatigue.  Many people leave refreshed, others even have a place to rest or sleep.

During sessions, you usually feel a release of intense energy or muscle fatigue. Many people leave refreshed, others even have a place to rest or sleep.

What does a meditative concert look like?

To know more about this practice, I attended a meditative concert organized by Dennis Araújo, All attendees came to lay down with yoga mats and enjoy the hour and a half that we had. The central area housed all the tools that would help us connect to the “inner landscape” mentioned by Araujo.

Already on the ground, and some with pillows to keep their eyes closed, the sound ceremony began. Tibetan singing bowls, quartz bowls, gongs, didyeri, chamik drums, Native American flutes, Japanese flutes, ocarinas, kalimbas and rain sticks are some of the instruments Who guided us in sound meditation. It also included songs that took each attendee to different memories and experiences.

Personally, I really enjoyed the sound of the kalimba. During my meditation, the sound of that instrument connected me to my childhood and my inner child. Similarly, the sessions in general helped slow down my mind, which is always thinking about multiple thoughts at the same time. My greatest feeling was one of deep relaxation. It is definitely an experience that allows you to disconnect from the mental and physical hustle and bustle of everyday life to connect with your deepest self, reduce stress and anxiety and thus find a moment of peace.

“I always have a facilitator with me during the session who can help anyone who feels discomfort or has a specific need,” says Araújo, “because it provides a safe space.” Depend on the situations people are going through. Typically you feel a release of dense energy or muscle fatigue. Many people leave refreshed, others even have a place to rest or sleep.”, adds the sound therapy facilitator.

Benefits of Sound Meditation

,Meditation facilitates comprehensive personal work, including focusing or clearing the mind through mental and physical techniques., It can be used to relax, reduce anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress, and improve overall health, such as quitting tobacco. Modern science has revealed that meditation has positive effects on the brain and mental health.“It shows benefits such as reduced anxiety, improved concentration, and a greater ability to adapt and overcome emotional problems,” explains Burke Lenihan of the Harvard University Center for Wellness.

“Thank you for the sound meditation, The person can quickly enter a state of deep relaxation, which is very difficult to achieve in today’s life,” explains Dennis Araujo. Sound Therapy Facilitator Connects It Sound meditation also allows you to manage trapped emotions, “This experience is liberating, it allows us to let go of what we have been carrying like a backpack for years,” the expert says.

Finally, Araujo indicates that sound meditation provides a sense of general well-being. “We left the session smiling and relaxed. Most of all, we learn to look at life and our inner self through different eyes,” he adds.

Who can practice sound meditation?

practice of sound therapy It is recommended for anyone interested in experiencing deep relaxation and general well-being.Karen Bond explains. “It may be particularly beneficial for people who want to relieve stress, improve sleep, and increase body awareness. However, it is advisable to seek consultation Consult a doctor before participating in sound meditation if you have a mental disorderBecause exercise can affect the symptoms of some conditions”, he warns.

,It is not necessary to know how to meditate to participate in this activityBecause it is designed to be accessible to people with any level of meditation experience, Beginner to Advanced, “This practice focuses on immersion in sound vibrations to promote relaxation and well-being, without the need for prior meditation skills,” the expert concluded.

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