Michael B. Jordan shares his feelings and admits to feeling “a certain loneliness” (Ladies…)

Michael B.Jordan He is a very busy man, and it would be an understatement to say that his schedule is hectic. He has at least six film projects in the works (including a fourth). creed and the sequel to i am great With Will Smith), as a result, his personal life begins to be seriously affected. Basically, it’s not going very well.

In the latest episode of the podcast On Purpose with Jai ShettyThe actor and director revealed some secrets about his current mental state. And he admitted that he has been feeling quite lonely lately. “I’m feeling lonely. Responsibilities isolate you, the weight of these responsibilities isolates youHe expressed confidence. The worst part is feeling like no one can truly understand you. “Sometimes we reach a place where we are alone, where we feel lonely.”Michael added.

If it were enough to love…

And apparently he has no one to share his mood, When asked if he’s found love (again), Michael B. Jordan, 37, doesn’t want to answer… because he doesn’t really know what he wants: “I go back and forth between wanting to be with someone, and not knowing who could be the best partner for me.”, the actor admitted. Who also recognized that bringing a woman into his life, ” it is not easy. It’s not just “I love you, you love me” He explained, and said that even if he thought so “will suffice” To love the person who shares one’s life, ” It is not that simple “,

Be aware that every relationship requires “sacrifice” And ” agreement “, Michael B. Jordan also feels overwhelmed by his acting work. So much so that he doesn’t feel as if he is still enjoying life to the fullest. Silly Trivia: Michael dreams of traveling just for fun.

What does Michael B. Jordan’s ideal woman look like?

officially alone Since the spring of 2022 (he separated from Lori Harvey after a year and a half of relationship, the first time he publicly acknowledged this), Michael B. Jordan has sworn that he is not looking for anyone. This doesn’t stop him from admitting that he dreams of starting a family, and he even has an idea of ​​what his dream partner might look like. take notes :

it must be a woman “Special, which can understand me And grow with me », A woman who can understand him “The desire to balance wanting to be available and present for this person while managing everything else.”, Mike, the message has been delivered…

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