Minister celebrates numbers of people connected, while complaints about cuts persist

Amid reports of new internet outages in Cuba, Cuba’s communications minister said he was “standing up” about the number of people connected on the island.

During the opening of the . mobile data.

Data consumption and silence on Arimao cable

According to informed of State media Cubanasi, Arevic, also noted that the average monthly data consumption in Cuba is 7.7 gigabytes, which “has been boosted by the installation of the second Arimao fiber optic cable.”

However, many Cubans complain that the installation of this cable – about which there has been considerable silence in the media – has not led to any noticeable improvement in Internet connections on the island.

Decline in traffic after March 17 protests

His statement comes as thousands of Cubans are reporting the impossibility of accessing the internet.

Following anti-government protests in Santiago de Cuba on March 17, a five hour fall Internet traffic in Cuba. Doug Madory, Director of Internet Analysis, mentioned this on Social Network X.

Cuba’s sole and state-controlled telecommunications company Etecsa has not released any official information in this regard.

Atexa: silence in the face of complaints and international publicity

Faced with complaints from users about the impacts of the service, Etecsa has limited itself to replying privately that “it has identified the difficulty” and “its experts are working to solve it in the shortest possible time.” Are working.”

However, the company has not given a detailed explanation for the decline in traffic, although it coincides with the “enjoyment” of two of its international promotions, which Cubans living abroad are able to communicate with their relatives in the island. Pay in foreign currency. ,

Communication in Cuba: Expectations and Reality

In this context, Minister Arevic also stated at the Convention that the digital transformation in Cuba is in line with β€œthe principles of social justice defended by the Revolution.”

As he said, their aim is to ensure an “inclusive and supportive society, made up of citizens with digital capabilities and without access gaps.” Really?

While the Cuban government assured that it is committed to the digital transformation before the representatives of Mexico, Colombia and Russia, the population continues to face an Internet reality with limitations, outages and blackouts.

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