Moving from a Career in Literature to Medicine: “A Cheater?”

Know what it is your dream career This is not an easy task and not everyone can achieve it. It is common to know the cases of students making decisions change carrier After studying for a few years, for some reason, they do not see themselves practicing it in the future, and they hope to explore other avenues. A place where they feel completeIn both personal and professional areas.

With this sentiment begins the story of Paula Romero, a sixth-year medicine student who completed her degree before entering journalism and that of Magisterium, This future doctor defines herself as a person who is driven by “curiosity and a desire to learn”, skills that led her to believe that becoming a journalist would be the best option to fulfill that desire. thirst for knowledge.

After completing the degree in three years a Master in TelevisionRomero began considering the idea of ​​entering a teaching career for two reasons: because she liked children and because uncertain situation That journalism is currently experiencing. “I wanted to ensure a job at any cost,” he admits. Medical writing.

In this way, and with great effort, he combined this master’s degree with his first year of teaching. “Starting this career gave me hope to do something for others. I’d already done some volunteering, but this was different, I felt like kids don’t judge you as much as they do in journalism, where it’s a more superficial profession,” he said.

I am doing medicine as a second career.

But the person responsible for the emergence of this love for medicine is his uncle scientific journalist whom he accompanied to the conferences organized by him scientific society From the world of healthcare. Even though she “knew nothing”, that environment inspired her to discover all aspects related to the health field and, as a result, came up with the idea of ​​wanting to become a doctor.

After finishing teaching, which he did over two years through a mixed method where he went only on Saturdays and studied on his own the rest of the week, he talked to his parents and his uncle And told them about this idea. Enter medicine. They supported him without any hesitation so that he can now realize his dream of helping others through the health field.

Paula Romero with her family at a conference on ophthalmology.

At what age should you study medicine?

“When I entered therapy at age 24, at first, I felt a little Impotent syndrome. A little intruder. I asked myself: What am I after all? Journalists, teachers or now doctors of the future,” he admitted.

That feeling disappeared as she attended classes and adapted to her new life, although it wasn’t easy. Romero admits he didn’t know “Caliber” or race difficulty Because it came from two grades, where, mainly, it was learning theory and expressing it on the exam.

Difficulties During Medical School

The greatest difficulties he had to undergo during his journey of healing Pass Chemistry subject. For him, this was an endeavor he was not used to. “It’s running biggest challenge Which I have faced in my 30 years,” he said.

Now, six years later and countless new experiences with colleagues and teachers, Romero realizes she loves medicine, but she faces a dilemma: She doesn’t know whether to choose pediatrics, family medicine or psychiatry. Or not.

Doubts when choosing a medical specialty

in the matter of PediatricsRomero explains that this is a branch His three professions come together: medicine, journalism and teaching. To them, it is nothing more than a “journalistic interview” where the doctor walks through their medical and family histories anonymously. “And, in a way, that is the essence of a teacher, because you patiently impart your knowledge to patients, looking them in the eyes to see if they have understood what you have told them. And if the raw material is children, it is just icing on the cake,” he admitted.

“Family medicine is the most complete specialization. I find it hard because, in the end, all the issues come together. But I believe that the rural town doctor is, in essence, the real medicine”

Regarding his possible choice of Family Medicine, he has justified it by indicating that, for him, it is the “most fulfilling” branch. “In the end it seems hard for me because all the issues come together, but hey, I guess rural doctor The city, in short, is Real medicine,” he said.

Psychiatry, the “most open branch” of medicine.

And finally, his interest in psychiatry came about because he is “very” interested in everything related to the brain and part of consciousness. “I think it’s more open branch And I think this will help me a lot. It also has a broader perspective psychology and philosophy, Ultimately those are the aspects that are protected by the letters,” he argued.

Despite all that is involved in being a medical student, such as minimizing your social life and dedicating large numbers of hours to studying the curriculum, this doctor has valued the importance of taking care of students’ mental health.

“I’ve had anxiety crisis I am serious and believe that it is important to take care of the mental health of students, even the doctors themselves have told me this during my internship. It is something that is not said but it is really bad and should be taken care of,” he concluded.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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