Narendra Modi inaugurates a grand Hindu temple on the ruins of a mosque: “Lord Ram has finally arrived”

Amid controversy, Narendra Modi assured that this event will bring peace

prime minister of India, Narendra ModiThe new Hindu temple of was inaugurated this Monday AyodhyaThe city is located in a city disputed by the Muslim community for centuries, and praised the measure, which came after “unprecedented patience and countless sacrifices”.

within the framework of the celebrations, for which there was a comprehensive safety equipment, Modi has thrown light on that “At last God (Rama) has arrived.”

“There is so much to say, but I have a lump in my throat. (…) I congratulate the nation on this day,” he said, before adding that Ram, who now has a temple, “will stop living in a tent.”

The temple, now known as “Mecca of Hinduism”built on ruins of a mosque And its controversial inauguration took place not long ago ElectionPlanned for this year.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi poses at the new temple (Kay Nietfeld/dpa)
This temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Ram in Ayodhya (Press Information Bureau of India/Handout via Reuters)

For Modi, this Monday’s celebration is not just an important date in the calendar but “the beginning of a new era”. “Thousands of years later people will remember this moment. This is the biggest blessing of Ram.” He asked the said deity before apologizing for “taking so long” to accommodate him.

“Ram’s existence has been questioned, but he is on the front page of the Indian Constitution. “I thank the Supreme Court for maintaining the dignity of law.” Has appeared. In this sense, he has expressed that the critical voices opposing the construction of the temple “do not understand the sanctity of the social consciousness of India.”

According to information collected by the NDTV television network, he said, “This construction is a symbol of peace, patience and harmony in the Indian society.” “Ram is not fire, he is energy. Ram is not a dispute, he is a solution. It’s not just ours, it’s everyone’s,” he said.

Mohammed Shahid, grandson of Haji Abdul Ghaffar, the last Imam of the Babri Masjid, poses in front of the remains of the temple destroyed by a Hindu mob in Ayodhya (Photo October 22, 2019. Reuters/Danish Siddiqui)

A muslim demonstration After this, Hindu mob vandalized it in 1992. Babri Masjidin Ayodhya, an act of violence that led to serious clashes at least in India 2,000 people were killed.

Since then, the place has been under extraordinary protective measures. The dispute between Hindus and Muslims over the ownership of this place ended in 2019 when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Muslims. However he also ruled that the demolition of the mosque was a “gross violation of the rule of law”.

The court allotted another piece of land in Ayodhya to Muslims to build a mosque.

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