Natalie Portman and Greta Gerwig, reunited by Vanity Fair: “I found out I’m allergic to the cats in your apartment”

Natalie Portman And greta gerwig There have been best friends on screen twice, in films that are complete opposites of each other: sex friend in 2011 and jackie In 2016. And if, since then, each of them have taken very different paths, it is clear during our discussion by Zoom that this complicated friendship is not reserved for the cameras.

For three-quarters of an hour the conversation would be punctuated by bursts of laughter, so much so that at times the conversation would be completely consumed by their happy memories of the filming. Luckily, both stars have a lot to say about the fascinating similarities between their two careers.

Natalie Portman moved behind the camera to direct in 2015 A story of love and darkness, She has also become a prolific producer with the company she co-founded in 2021, MountainEye. Oscar-winning actress produced remarkably may december, On display from January 24, in which she gives a fascinating performance as an actress who closely studies the character she plays julian mooreThe subject of the scandal that inspired the film she is about to shoot.

Greta Gerwig has gone from being a beloved actress of indie cinema to being a successful director and screenwriter (and what a success!). After writing and directing lady bird And Doctor March’s daughters (and received two Oscar nominations), Greta co-wrote and directed the biggest hit of 2023, barbie, The awards season is eagerly awaited.

Their paths have also crossed on other occasions, sometimes more unexpected, such as during the Oscars ceremony in 2020, during which Natalie Portman wore a dress embroidered with the names of directors rejected by the Academy, including Greta Gerwig. Was; According to the latter, both women are directly connected in a “cosmic” way. Here, they come together to reveal the solid advice they’ve followed all these years, what they discovered together (beware of cats!), and how they both ultimately channeled their passion for directing. Pushed forward.

Vanity Fair: What are your memories of our first meeting?
Greta Gerwig: it was certain Sex friend. I remember very well, for some reason, that the person who did my makeup used to put a lot of makeup on me all the time, like really a lot. And I remember looking at you and saying to myself, she’s so beautiful, she doesn’t need this. I don’t know if I need that much makeup right now, but…
Natalie Portman : I think we were both too drunk to even wear our shoes. They always made me wear flat sneakers and Greta wore high-heeled clogs. I didn’t need it to look like a Hobbit…
greta gerwig : In the hospital scene, we had to walk while talking, and they couldn’t fit both of us in the shot. And I was like, yeah, we don’t know why, but I wear wedge clogs. And that, tennis shoes. We look stupid. But it was very good. It was both funny and absurd. and you just did black Swan.
Natalie Portman :Finally I could eat again. I was there, like: eating!
greta gerwig : I also remember you in the caravan. You always knew when it was time to go eat.
Natalie Portman : That is a constant. I have always been like this. And I always have been.
greta gerwig : You came out of a very intense experience and then you moved on to something a little silly.

Natalie, was this intentional at the time, or just a coincidence?
Natalie Portman :It was a coincidence. Very few things in my life happen intentionally. I wish I could say, “Yes, I like to alternate to have a balanced career,” but these are just things that do or don’t happen.

(tagstotranslate)Natalie Portman

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