Navalny’s widow accuses Putin of holding her husband’s body hostage: “I want to bury him with honors”

Navalny’s widow denounces blackmail to bury her husband

Widow of late Russian rival Alexey Navalny, Yulia Navalnayahas accused President Vladimir Putin of attempting to hold the body “hostage” and engaging in multiple blackmails. “Secret Funeral”Which in his opinion shows that it is “false” that the President adheres to the Christian premises about which he claims in public appearances.

More than a week after Navalny’s death, “His death was not enough for Putin”His widow expressed grief in a video, in which she assured that now the authorities “mock” and “blackmail” the mother, threatening her to bury the body in the prison where he lost his life.

Navalnya has emphasized that “Putin is the only one responsible” for the current situation, who gives orders, “the same one who likes to show that he is a devout Christian.”, In fact, the video shows the President at several public events associated with the Orthodox Church.

“We already knew Putin’s confidence was false, but now we see it more clearly than ever.”, declared the widow, who believes that “no true Christian would do what Putin is doing with Alexei’s body.” He admits that he also falls into “Satanism”.

For this reason, he has demanded that the family be able to recover the body “without any conditions”: “You tortured him in life and now you will continue to torture him in death.”

On the right, Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny embraces his wife Yulia. (AP Photo/Dmitry Lovetsky, File)

Navalnaya also took the opportunity to link Putin’s alleged false religiosity to the invasion of Ukraine, which marks exactly two years this Saturday.

“You say you fight the Western evil that interferes with our traditional values, but you only kill. “You bombard civilians with missiles placed in churches at night.”He criticized in his speech.

“Return my husband’s body. We want to celebrate his funeral and transport him to earth, as God commands, as the Orthodox do. “Give us Alexei without any conditions,” Yulia Navalnya demanded.

Navalnaya recalled that Alexei died nine days ago and Russian inspectors yesterday gave the politician’s mother an ultimatum to accept a secret burial to avoid public demonstrations by the rival’s co-religionists.

“Otherwise, imagine, they threaten to do something with Alexei’s body.”He related.

Yulia condemned that the authorities have even threatened to bury the politician’s body in the prison “where he was murdered.”

Navalny’s mother condemned blackmail to bury her son

“I know absolutely well that all this was not invented by any researcher from the city of Salekhard. “At the top of everything is (Russian President Vladimir) Putin,” Navalnaya assured.

“The same Putin who likes to show himself as an Orthodox believer,” he said.

Yesterday, Navalny’s team filed another lawsuit in court under Article 244 of the Russian Criminal Code on “insulting the body of the deceased.”

A few days earlier, the politician’s mother also sent a letter to the Russian President asking for the body of her son, who died suddenly on February 16 from “natural causes”, according to the official version, which the rival’s coreligionists reject. Are.

A number of exiled Russian artists, intellectuals and journalists have joined the campaign launched by Navalny’s associates on their Telegram channel for the return of the body.

The Kremlin has flatly denied all allegations and has asked to wait for the results of the autopsy, while Putin has not addressed the issue publicly.

(With information from Europa Press and EFE)

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