New nursing skills with family doctor’s approval

Health Minister, Monica Garciafinally expressed his decision Interregional Council To perform improving primary care A number of measures are expected to be taken throughout the year from now on. One of the proposals that García valued is the possibility of Distribute powers and co-responsibilities between different Professions and specialties, Some of the skills that primary care welcomes delivery lighten the workload both are bureaucratic aspects In form of targeted triage process, On the other hand, since nursing Protect that the specialty should be translated into new competencies that it can capture enhancing prescription capabilitiesManagement or design, direction and management of primary care centers programs that affect straight into daily work,

The distribution of co-responsibilities among the team of professionals who nurture primary care is viewed favourably. Maria Jose GameroMember of the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (Semargen), explaining in medical writing That “it is necessary to reduce bureaucracy and delegate authority to other team members.” Download Primary Care Physician, In this case, Semargen will welcome this change.

Gamero: “It is necessary to reduce bureaucracy and give other team members the power to relieve the primary care physician.”

Gamero is not prepared to hand over powers for primary care to other professions, but instead defends that “other members of the team carry out the activities that doctors currently do, allowing them to do their jobs. ” One of the skills Gamero would welcome being distributed among different professions is “the.” bureaucratic aspects As main, in addition to oriented triage“Before the patient reaches the doctor.”

Nursing wants to strengthen itself in primary care

From the General Nursing Council of Spain (CGE) The view has been defended that after gradual Health changes and crisis It has been demonstrated Nursing management from primary careTherefore it cannot remain at any specific health moment. Florentino Perez RayaThe CGE Chairman believes that “This is not about adding or subtracting the skills of health professionals who work in isolation. is committed to Joint action on behalf of the patient Of a multidisciplinary team. Each professional has their well-defined competencies in existing regulations and upcoming regulations, but CGE favors comprehensive care through the entire multidisciplinary team.

With regard to bureaucratic work, Raya is confident that sick leave processing This can be done by nurses as they are fully trained. Now, if anyone wants the nurse to agree administrative work As for firing other professionals, you are completely wrong. nurses should lead health processesIn a comprehensive and continuous manner, but not overloaded with bureaucracy or administrative procedures of other professionals.

Raya: “Nurses should lead health processes in a comprehensive and continuous manner, but should not burden themselves with bureaucratic processes”

The new competencies that Raya assures can be gleaned from nursing translate into “increased Prescription CapabilitiesThe Management of primary care centers or the design, direction, and management of programs that directly affect daily routine of primary care, Regarding prescription, autonomous communities should be developed Guides that define action The number of nurses in this area.”

For the CGE president, the current health system must undergo “a shift in focus to respond to the intense demand for models that enhance health promotion.”, Acquisition of healthy lifestyle habits and disease prevention. According to Raya, all these should be focused on, “by primary care, we should also think about the nurse model of family and community care with a firm commitment to the implementation of the specialty.”

The family hides behind their official schedule to maintain the competitions.

Pilar Rodriguez LedoPresident of the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG), defends that the “map of competencies of any specialty” is described in the official program. It is absolutely clear which is Family Medicine. It is not about giving up or sharing powers, the family must retain them Another very different thing is that other specialties or disciplines acquire new skills,

Ledo: “It is not about giving up or sharing powers, the family must retain the powers described in the official programme”

The Chairman of SEMG makes it clear that the specialty is currently “one of the backbone of support And competencies are continuously shared with internal medicine, pulmonology, nursing, etc. One aspect that Ledo wants to emphasize is that “one thing is the ability to have a specialty defined at a universal level, and another is to get rid of tasks that do not add value, such as excessive bureaucracy.”

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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