New York immigrants demand that Albany finally expand health coverage to all

“Medicare coverage for everyone in New York, regardless of immigration status”, This Thursday, dozens of people expressed the same cry. immigrants and low-income workers, who met at headquarters at noon Apicha Community Health Centeris located in the heart of jackson heightsTo demand that the initiative to expand Albany be included health coverage Universality in state budget priorities will be discussed within the Legislature in the coming months. At least 150,000 will benefit from this scheme more than new yorkers 250,000 what is estimated They have no access to medical plans,

This is what he warned Juan Luna Rosa, organization member Build a road New York, After highlighting that this bill will not only save thousands of lives millions will be saved By promoting preventive medicine plans, the state gains dollars while avoiding mass visits to emergency rooms, often when it is too late for patients.

“After being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I live in constant fear that I will not be able to get the medications I need to live. Since I am excluded from health insurance coverage, it is almost impossible for me to continue my treatment consult a doctor regularly. Having access to health insurance will mean I can see a doctor to receive primary, preventive and follow-up care to treat my chronic conditions,” the immigrant said. “All New Yorkers deserve to stay healthy and receive the necessary medical care that can save our lives. It’s about saving and saving lives,

was for the main call Governor Kathy HochulSo as not to turn a blind eye to the bill, which was ignored last year, despite the federal government allowing expanded access to health care for immigrant New Yorkers thanks to federal waiver 1332, which if amended and If approved, it would be, the protesters warned, “a win-win opportunity for all,” and at no cost to the state.

,coverage for all A common-sense proposal that will make our state healthier and our health care providers more financially stable by giving uninsured New Yorkers another option. One of the most expensive forms of care, other than the emergency room,” he said. State Senator Gustavo Rivera, Senate Health Committee chairman and sponsor of the bill, who told El Diario NY that if the plan is given the green light, they could receive $500 million Improving access to the federal government and thousands of New Yorkers left to their own devices.

“We have received confirmation from the federal government that we can access the transfer funds discount 1332 Not at any cost to the state, therefore We must take advantage of this unique opportunity expand coverage for undocumented population “Meet New York’s fiscal needs, as well as our state’s, by reducing emergency Medicaid spending,” the Latino lawmaker said.

New York immigrants demand that Albany eventually expand health coverage to all. Edwin martinez.
Credit: Edwin Martinez | imprimedia

“We can design a program in different ways to provide access to all people based on their income and create different tiers, but it has been a long and frustrating struggle, especially when we see that the Governor and the Department Representatives of Health are saying all this about adjustments and cuts that we have to make, and it’s all because they’re not doing what the federal government tells us we can do and expand access to coverage, ” the state senator said. “Lack of action is already costing us a lot of money, We have to keep moving forward, but I think we’re close.”

Regarding that project, which was abandoned midway in the last session after only being approved by the Senate. Assemblymember Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas, The main sponsor of the bill in the lower house of the legislature urged his colleagues not to delay the initiative any longer, when Washington has already given New York the green light without spending a single cent.

“For too long we have repeatedly shifted targets for immigrant New Yorkers. The federal government has now confirmed We can use surplus funds in the transfer account to provide health care coverage to undocumented New Yorkers, This will not cost our state any dollars and the Governor can still provide subsidies for other initiatives as she wishes,” said the Queens political leader, who asked if the new ones were cited as a reason for not following through. The rhetoric of separation should not be followed. step.

“Enough of pitting one group against another or mathematical tricks and political ping pong. These are the lives and welfare of New Yorkers. “This is about providing the basic human right of medical care to our neediest neighbors,” the assemblywoman warned. “We have approved coverage for all in the Senate. “Now it is up to the Assembly to pass the bill and help save lives.”

Assemblyman Steven Raga Joined the call and said that medical care is a human right, in which immigration status or the neighborhood where one lives should not determine access to those benefits.

Senator Gustavo Rivera at the conference on the Health Care for All Act. Edwin martinez.

“Uninsured New Yorkers should not be forced to go without health care out of fear of costs,” the lawmaker said. ,This is the year to approve coverage for everyone and modify the 1332 exemption. This is no easy task, we can save lives and save millions of dollars.”

javier guzmanA resident of New York for 30 years, he held a placard that read, “We need coverage for all to protect our health,” saying that unless New York State makes health care a basic right, As a result, thousands of low-income people will continue to be forced not to seek treatment for their diseases, and not only vulnerable patients but the hospital system will suffer severe economic impacts.

“It is a reality that many immigrants do not have access to preventive medicine, and we go to the hospital when we are already very sick, leading to increased health costs that could be avoided by passing this legislation. ,” They said. Colombian, who has experienced first-hand the lack of medical coverage. ,I had an accident at a school a few years ago: I sprained my back and they charged me $800 for the ambulance alone. And in the hospital, where they only gave me aspirin and made me wait for several hours because of emergency use, i found a $3,000 bill, If they provided universal coverage, they would help us all and save money. Access to health should be a right. “We’re in the back here.”

pablo garciaArriving in the Big Apple almost a year ago, he assured that it is humanity’s task to provide access to health services for all, appropriate for all, which is why he worked with the Legislature and Governor Hochul to promote the approval of the law. requested. Budget for the next financial year.

“We all have the right to feel safe not only in terms of education and work, but also in terms of health. Health is essential for everything to function well and it gives us the power to achieve more opportunities,” said the newcomer.

laverne king1199SEIU union members and home health care workers highlighted that too many residents and immigrants are postponing medical care and going to emergency rooms for chronic conditions because they can’t qualify for plans like Medicaid. So he said the state needs to expand the mandatory plan to cover low-income New Yorkers regardless of immigration status.

Gulab DuhanThe President and CEO of the Community Health Care Association of New York assures that expanding health coverage to all will ensure that community health centers can keep their doors open and everyone has access to care, leading to better health outcomes, less There will be hospitalizations, and healthy New Yorkers.

Peru’s Pablo García joins New York in calling for Albany to approve Medicare coverage for all. edwin martinez
Credit: Edwin Martinez | imprimedia

“Community health centers provide high-quality, comprehensive care for everyone, regardless of immigration status or ability to pay. “CHC has opened its doors to asylum seekers, providing medical care and assistance to thousands of adults and children who have virtually nothing, who have little or no hope of reimbursement,” Duhan said. “

Governor Hochul’s office has not commented on his call to include the Coverage for All initiative among his priorities in his budget plan.


  • An estimated 250,000 undocumented and low-income New Yorkers lack access to health care
  • Passage of the law could lead to at least 150,000 New Yorkers gaining health coverage
  • NYS could use $500 million in federal funds to expand coverage to all
  • According to law enforcers, NY State will have to impose $0

(TagstoTranslate)UndocumentedNYC(T)Albany Legislature(T)Health Insurance

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