Nicolas Maduro questions the elections and says the Barbados accords are “mortally wounded in intensive care”.

Chavista leader questions agreement with opposition to hold elections this year

Nicolas Maduro He said this Thursday that negotiations with the opposition are in a delicate state “In intensive care.” In reference to the Barbados Agreement, the Venezuelan dictator said that they were seriously compromised.

During a working session with the Plenary Session of the Federal Government Council, Maduro expressed hope that it would be possible to resume negotiations. he declared: “The Barbados Accords are mortally wounded. I declare him in intensive care. I hope so, as I told myself George Rodriguez, “We can save them today, but without the sinister plan to attack my life.”

Faced with this situation, Maduro reiterated the idea that a country should not depend on an individual, but on a common project. He insisted: “It’s not that I trust these people, I trust in life, in peace, in dialogue.”

on 17th October Unitary Forum of Venezuela And representatives of the Maduro regime signed an agreement on the island of Barbados that marks the country’s progressive return to democracy.

That agreement, which committed Maduro to facilitate clean elections, prompted the United States to ease some of the sanctions imposed on him. Chavista regime.

Triplicate copies of the document were signed in the presence of approximately twenty members of the negotiating parties Foreign Minister of BarbadosJerome Walcott, representative of norwayThe facilitating country, and other supporting nations such as Netherlands, Russia, Mexico, Colombia And brazil,

Photo provided by Prensa AN showing the President of Venezuela’s National Assembly Jorge Rodríguez (D) with rival Gerardo Blyde during a day of negotiations with the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) in Bizettown, Barbados (EFE/Prensa AN) )

state Secretary, anthony blinkenexplained to him WashingtonVenezuela, an ally of the opposition, will reduce part of the sanctions imposed against the dictatorship in exchange for guaranteed measures “Competitive elections and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms” In Venezuela.

The United States also expressed the expectation that, in return for favors granted, the Caracas regime would establish “a specific program and procedure for the prompt reinstatement of all candidates”, that is, Removal of political disqualification restrictions Which, among other things, also influences the opposition presidential candidate Maria Corina Machado, Similarly, Department of State Called for “liberation of all American citizens” political prisoners “Venezuelan people were detained unjustly.”

Order of white House They brought with them a warning: “The United States and the international community will closely monitor the implementation of the electoral roadmap, and Will take action if promises are not fulfilled “A provision has been made in the election roadmap regarding further political prisoners.”

The deadline given to Maduro to make a decision was clear, “the end of November.” Non-compliance will result in demotion Most of the concessions granted were related to the possibility of reactivating the oil industry and the accompanying income. money to finance dictatorship That control of the country is at stake in next year’s presidential election.

In that sense, the United States This Tuesday hedeep concern” By arrest warrant and the arrest of at least 33 Venezuelans, including opponents, activists, former soldiers, and journalists by the Maduro dictatorship.

“The arrests without due process are against the spirit of the October 2023 electoral roadmap agreement signed between the Unitary Platform and representatives of Nicolás Maduro,” he said. Matthew MillerSpokesperson of the State Department.

In a statement released this Tuesday, the United States demanded “an end” political persecutionIncluding attacks on opposition campaign headquarters and all efforts to suppress democratic aspirations Venezuelan people With fear and intimidation.”

“We urge Maduro and his representatives to adhere to the electoral roadmap agreement, which also includes announcing a clear schedule for the elections.” 2024 presidential electionAnd to reinstate all political candidates,” the text reads.

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