No improvement in Venezuela oil spill, NGO warns

File photograph of a fisherman’s net on a beach pier contaminated with oil in the R1 sector of Cabimas, Zulia state (Venezuela). EFE/Miguel Gutierrez

According to the organization Clima 21, there has been no improvement in the oil spill in Venezuela.

by Radio Fe Y Alegria

Its coordinator, Alejandro Álvarez, indicated that oil spills are monitored through publications that the media make when spills occur on the coast, since the oil industry has not produced reports on the matter since 2016.

“We have been measuring the oil spill for two years. And what do we find? Not much has changed. There has been no improvement in the environmental performance of the Venezuelan oil industry,” he said in the Punto y Seguimos program on Radio Fe y Alegría Noticias.

He said the damage appears to be greater in Lake Maracaibo and on the west coast of Falcon state, in Golfate de Coro and around the Paraguaná refining complex, “where fishermen are demanding that PDVSA go to solve continuing problems.” Leaks and spills.”

The environmental expert said that during the last semester, that is, in the last six months, 43 oil spills were recorded, “and this is a figure that has remained relatively stable.”

In that sense, he pointed out that officials say they carry out activities to improve the state of the environment, “but they don’t see it.”

Álvarez expressed regret that the population does not know what the situation is and how the country’s oil industry works internally. He reiterated, “But when we see protests against the spill, it gives the impression that necessary protocols for oil spill prevention are not being followed.”

To read the full note, Here

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