Official media are speaking out on the case of a woman in Santiago de Cuba who died after falling from the fifth floor

This Wednesday the tragic death of Tania Reyes Martínez, a woman from Santiago, who died after falling from the fifth floor of her building on the day of her birthday, generated hundreds of comments on social networks and a An unusual and swift response from an official profile described what happened as an “accident” and removed any hint of criminality in what happened.

“About that Accident occurred in Mela Municipality, “Where a local resident died, we were able to obtain testimony from neighbors and acquaintances of the victim, witnesses (to whatever happened), which allowed us to clarify the circumstances in which this unfortunate incident occurred,” official Facebook. Profile “Heroes del Moncada”.

The publication states that Tania “He was celebrating his birthday at home, drinking alcoholic beverages and making broth to celebrate.”

The text specifies that at the time the woman left of apartment “While removing the coal with which he was cooking in the courtyard of the building and while he was going down the stairs, he lost his balance and fell from the fifth floor, losing his life due to the injuries sustained “

Then the official publication added this “The husband has not been detained nor is he responsible for anything.”

“According to the neighbours, he is a very nice person and had a very good relationship with his wife. We share in their pain and reject all the manipulations carried out by external media around this unfortunate accident that only seek visibility at the expense of the tragic events taking place in Cuba,” the official note said in an apparent reference to independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta. has been added, who He announced this sad incident on social networks.

Facebook Capture/Heroes of Moncada

Among the growing list of bloody acts of all kinds in Santiago de Cuba reported on social networks and about which the above official profile is silent and ignores, “Heroes del Moncada” has done us the courtesy of clarifying that in this case it is an accident, and thus any type of rumor has been put to rest as soon as possible.

Such a gesture apparently appears to have been inspired by comments that affect the image and reputation of the deceased woman’s husband, a military man.

“I wish they could solve all the thousands of unsolved police cases in this country so soon.”One Internet user rushed to point out sarcastically.

Was Tania Reyes’ death caused by an argument with her partner, a soldier identified as “Captain Jose Veranes”?

Was Tania Reyes going to kill her husband with a knife, as a neighbor suggested to journalist Yosmani Mayetta in a publication that would make the victim the alleged culprit? Did he fall from the balcony, down the stairs or roll down the stairs?

“A story told poorly”; “Everything is still strange”; “I understand less and less”; “These are still strange circumstances,” suspicious Internet users point out here and there.

A fact with hundreds of criteria expressed so far and about which unfortunately, despite official explanations, few certainties and a sad reality remain: Death of a woman who, unfortunately, died on her birthday.

Tania Reyes Martínez – who worked as a teacher at a children’s day care center – is also mourned by her relatives, neighbors, friends and her co-workers.

Norca Douglas Hazert wrote on Facebook, “EPD for our early childhood worker from Soldaditos del Futuro Nursery School. Tania Reyes Martínez, excellent teacher, happy and loved by all. Our condolences to family, co-workers, friends and neighbors. “

Facebook Capture/Norka Douglas Hazard

Tania Reyes is survived by her daughter, Andres Barbara Varens Reyes, a 25-year-old girl who must overcome deep pain after the unexpected death of her mother.

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