Photos confirm Japan has reached the Moon, but its module did so in a special way

It appears Chandrayaan faced complications while landing on our satellite

Photos confirm Japan has reached the Moon, but its module did so in a special way
Image obtained by one of the Japanese rovers on the surface of the Moon

Despite the claims of modern conspiracy theories, humans have been sending technology to our satellites for years. However, this is not the first time that a project, as has happened with NASA missions, has ended with an unwanted ending. in this matter, Japan has reached the moonbut in one unusual ways,

Special moon landing of Japanese SLIM module

Objective to take away slim moduleThe short form of Intelligent Module to probe the Moon is SuccessAt least according to the information that we will tell you below and according to the images that have been shown in the publications by agencies such as NASA that we show you below these lines.

Last 19 JanuaryHe slim module will be there landed on the moon and could do place some rovers on its surfaceWhich will be in charge of carrying out various investigations for the Japanese space agency, known as JAXA.

Yes actually, from the first moment it was known things weren’t working properlySince then solar panels which module includes He was not getting energy. Nor loading the spacecraft. A few days later, one of the deployed rovers seems to provide us with the information we need to know what really happened.

As you can see in the image that represents the cover of the article slim module Didn’t land properly, but it appears encounter And supported him from one side. Rovers, for their part, can move around the modules, communicating between them and the Earth is liquid.

Currently, as you can read in the publication we leave you on these lines slim module got it Rest And waiting the inclination with which Sunlight can reach the moon Effects on solar panels And they are able to load the module to give it a second chance.

Although Objective has resulted Success since it was desired Check precise landing technique, which claimed it could shoot down vehicles with an accuracy of 100 meters. The SLIM module managed to land 55 meters from the target point, thus demonstrating the Japanese agency’s ability to send vehicles to other worlds.

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