PHOTOS – Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied officially divorced: A look at their love story in pictures

It’s official now. After twelve years of marriage and numerous rumors of separation and infidelity regarding their couple, Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied have officially divorced, as the actress’s spokesperson has announced in the magazine’s columns. People, this Friday March 8th. star of black Swan Reportedly filed for divorce last July. The couple then reportedly finalized the process in France last month. Recently, Natalie Portman has been seen alone in many official events. She was also seen without her wedding ring, further fueling divorce speculation.

Last February, she explained, in Vanity FairWhat she didn’t want”contributeFor these rumours. According to a source close to the couple, the actress “She comes out of a really difficult and painful year, but she comes out stronger and finds happiness in her family, friends, and work”, emphasizing that she was able to count on the support of her friends who “helped him through his worst times, Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied, parents of two children, Aleph, 12, and Amalia, 7, want, first of all, to protect them from this separation, making them their priority. “To ensure a smooth transition”, ,She and Ben really love their children and also strive to be the best co-parents they can. nothing is more important“, the source said People,

⋙ PHOTOS – Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied: their love story in pictures

Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied: A look at their love story

Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied met on the set of the hit film in 2009 black Swan, in which the actress plays the lead role, while he is responsible for training her to improve her role. This is love at first sight. On February 14, 2011, the couple welcomed their first child, a boy named Aleph. Very discreetly, they got married in a very private ceremony the following year, before welcoming a little girl named Amalia in February 2017. Meanwhile, the couple eventually decided to settle in Paris before returning to Los Angeles. A fresh start for Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied, who are working on one project after another. In 2018, they also decided to collaborate together again for the film vox lux, But, this feature film will not get as much success as their meeting film. Unfortunately, the couple has now turned the page on their story, which started off so well.

Photo credit: Borde-Moreau / BestImages

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