Physical and mental well-being Isasaweis: “The only thing that will disturb my happiness in 2024 is helplessness over things I can’t do anything about”

Who doesn’t want to be happy? And who actually does it? These are questions that, sometimes, have easy answers. On the other hand, there are other big pending issues. Figuring out what you want in your life, who you want to take care of and who you want to value so as not to lose peace of mind are the key points to achieving mental harmony in this new year., And we are lucky because everything depends on us.

To do this, we have to find our own technology that works. Our Obituary, The Japanese method that promises to take care of our mental health.

That inner growth and the peace that a person attains with age, both make a person feel more happy. For problems, for treatment. “If you have a solution, why worry?”has explained Isabel Llano, better known as Isasaweis, in conversation with El Periódico de España (Grupo Prensa Ibérica) about his self-knowledge practices, oriented towards care and well-being, during the last few years in which he has personally gone through delicate moments. Especially in adolescence: “Theatrical life but with age I have taken it as my flag.”

“To deal with it, I started running and it helped me a lot,” she said, in addition to other plans on her list, like, for example, having coffee with a friend and telling each other all your problems: “I come home happy and stress-free.”

New Year’s resolutions

If your desire to move forward in this 2024 also includes the matter of change. Issaweis has the formula which he exposes in his latest book’eat everything (feeding), train with me (sports) and change your life (Attitude)’ (ed. Planeta). Following the previous success of ‘Eat Great and Never Diet Again’, it has returned with new recipes, more lifestyle tips and a sports routine plan to stay in shape.

“It’s for everyone, although the majority of my followers are women in their forties,” she explained. A fruit salad made up of healthy food, one third of physical exercise adapted to our lives and one third of self-care.

Rainbow of Happiness: Take a 180 Degree Turn

The attitude with which we face the adversities and complexities of everyday life is what will make us successful. The author wakes up at quarter to six in the morning to study English, play sports, work and take care of her children, along with other tasks on her list.

in this moment of your life He feels very happy and the only thing that worries him is feeling unable to act in the face of injustice., The technical computer engineer, who began giving practical advice about beauty, cooking and grooming on the Internet more than a decade ago, admits, “The only thing that can hinder my happiness this time is Helplessness over things I can’t do anything about.” lifestyle.

This is the only thing that disturbs his well-being, because when faced with any difficulty the author tries to find a solution in the process of its fulfillment. “Not being able to do anything in the face of injustice and not being able to help in any way takes away my peace of mind.”

For him The formula for happiness is a rainbow formed by seven spheres to achieve a fulfilled life, Therefore, his latest book is a journey to learn about his tools and tricks in the form of a practical guide. “Open it at any time. Take it in the car, on the nightstand, in the kitchen, at the entrance, wherever you want. But pay attention to your sports routine, pick up a new recipe or read a phrase that helps you that day. Inspires”.

Window of gastronomy: soup, your favorite

Issaweis’s book starts with delicious, varied and healthy recipes with a very personal touch: from soups and creams, vegetables, salads, legumes, pasta and rice, eggs and omelettes, meat and poultry to fish and seafood. “All the dishes are new and my favorite is broccoli soup with smoked cheese.” And it turns out that soup is a recurring dish in her house, she used to eat the famous garlic soup since she was very young, and especially in winter, “it is eaten for dinner about 80% of the time and “This could be a unique dish.”

Isasavis’s culinary inspiration is practically in his family: “My grandmother, my mother and my cousin.” And whenever he travels, his interest in international cuisine also awakens. Different cultures and methods of preparation, food blends, cooking methods and spices. This is the goal of Isasavis we can eat everything Or, as she says herself, Don’t deprive yourself of anything Because in its gastronomic offer “nothing is prohibited.”

Live today: train with me

“I was anti-sports.” As a child, she would skate or play basketball with her friends for fun, but when she started playing sports regularly it was to lose extra kilos, she confesses, until That his habit didn’t change and what was an obligation became downright fun. He was encouraged to run by the enthusiasm of those around him for the San Silvestre race after an alumni dinner. “I started running myself and then joined a gym.”, then he ran from classroom to classroom until he found the thing he really enjoys: sugarcane. He said, “I wanted the training routines to be serious and so I asked the trainers at my sports center for an arm routine, a full body routine and another express 15-minute routine.” With the help of his gym trainer Ronan, who is not personal, he has created a plan with audiovisual material so that readers can do the same exercises.

Diary of Achievements and Confessions: The Final Touch

With 597,000 subscribers on YouTube and 433,000 followers on Instagram, he feels like “a strange creature on social networks”, as he had a “different feeling” in early 2009. Concept 15 years ago professional influencer It did not exist and the scope and importance it could reach were not known., There was a philosophy of sharing content until it was “converted” into business development. “I wouldn’t lump all influencers under one umbrella because there’s everything out there: comedians, singers, actors, make-up artists… and my profile is more instructional, communicative,” he stressed.

“I have no references on social networks because I have a very unique and my own style, in fact many people have it.” Personally, he is inspired by anyone who is worthy of praise for something. For example, people who are good at their work, who have communication skills, help others or people who are constantly trying to innovate and do something new.

At present he does not need anything else in his life. “I am already happy with what I have” and whatever comes will be welcomed as long as it compensates him and does not require “personal effort”. With 13 books published and a novel project on hold, who knows whether it will be in our hands in the future, she is ready for new challenges as long as it does not alter her current well-being. He admitted, “It requires dedication and consistency that I don’t have right now,” as well as his interest in television, which he considers “a lot of fun” and perhaps in the future he might combine the medium with that. He has enjoyed. A lot to do with gastronomy. And let’s see Isabelle on MasterChef.

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