Plane crashes near Jamaica

Jamaican authorities are investigating the crash of a small plane in the southwest of the Caribbean country this Saturday while searching for victims or survivors, according to local media reports.

The only thing that is known is that the plane fell in the northwest of the area of ​​St. Elizabeth.

Photos and videos on social networks show the crashed ship completely destroyed and charred.

At this time, officials have not said where the plane took off from or where it was headed.

It is also unknown whether only one pilot was traveling or whether there were passengers along with him.

It is the most recent small plane crash in the Caribbean since four people died when a plane crashed into the sea en route to the island of St. Lucia on the island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines last Thursday.

One of the victims of that crash was actor Christian Oliver, whose real name is Christian Klepster, along with his two daughters, aged 10 and 12, and the plane’s pilot.

Born in Germany, but an American citizen, Oliver had an illustrious career spanning 15 years, starring in films like ‘Speed ​​Racer’, ‘The Good German’, ‘Valkyrie’ and ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial’. of destiny’ .

Oliver was traveling to the island of St. Lucia with his 10 and 12-year-old daughters Madita Klepser and Annick Klepser and pilot Robert Sachs.

The plane took off from James Mitchell Airport in Bequia – territory of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – at around 12:00 pm – but a few minutes later it crashed just a nautical mile west of Petite Nevis.

(TagstoTranslate)Jamaica(T)Plane crash(T)Caribbean

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