Princess Leonore’s favorite fruit has a satiating effect, burns fat and helps care for teeth

Princess Leonore follows a healthy diet which includes fruit which has become her favourite. It is packed with health benefits and is perfect for consumption alone or in both sweet and savory recipes.

If there is something that Queen Letizia (50 years old) has tried to teach her children Princess Leonor (18 years old) and Infanta Sofia (16 years old) since childhood, it is what she loves to do very much. a healthy diet, Doña Letizia influenced the change of food in her daughters’ school cafeterias and is always aware of this aspect wherever she goes. From time to time, girls leave this diet in their different plans. But generally, there are many healthy foods that are part of your daily routine. Among them, he has some favourites.

It has recently come to light Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia are big fans of matcha tea, Queen Letizia herself had revealed this. was in bioculture And at a stand where she stopped, she took this drink and told that it was not for her, it was for her daughters. But this is not the only thing that is known about the heiress’s tastes. Leonor is also one of his favorites at mealtime. A fruit that is of great importance at this time of year, It’s about apples.

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