How to make healthy honey mustard dressing?

Mustard it’s a spice Taste Very strong About which there are different opinions among people, because while some people do not like it, some people like it and it is their favorite. Because its taste is so specific, it is difficult to make MixHowever, there is a Dressing which connects with Honey and makes it even more Delicious,

In this market There are many dressing options based on Honey And MustardHowever, these products can be made at home, as these are ingredients that we commonly find in wardrobe Or, they are very easy to obtain. Furthermore, since they are products without a lot of processes, they are HealthyWhich will help in keeping you in good condition.

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Honey can also be used for dressing Photo: Archive

How to prepare dressing using honey and mustard?

This recipe made of honey and mustard is perfect for eating along with salad. meat dishesDip with potatoes or roots appetizers, Vegetables or even fish. Apart from being healthy because it contains natural products like HoneyIt is also very easy to do as it will only take you less than 10 minutes.


  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • salt to taste
Mustard will combine its powerful flavor with honey Photo: Freepik


Mix honey, mayonnaise, mustard and lemon juice in a bowl. With a whisk, start mixing until you get a homogeneous consistency. Add salt as per taste and keep the preparation in a vessel. bowl, preferably glass, which will help you keep it cool. Enjoy this dressing and keep it going. refrigerationSince it does not contain preservatives it can decompose rapidly.

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