Salvadorans are clear about who they will vote for in the presidential elections to be held on February 4 and this candidate is the current President Nayib Bukele, who is supported by 70.9 percent of the votes, according to a survey presented this Tuesday by the University Francisco Gavidia. .
Oscar Picardo, research director of the said university, said that even if the claimants unite, they are not able to achieve even 10%. “Not all opposition reaches 10 percent,” he said. In fact, a united opposition reaches only 7.9 percent of electoral priorities.
On the question “Do you support the re-election of President Bukele”, 77% of those surveyed responded that they would vote for him, while only 12% believe that the re-election is unconstitutional.
The parties that were previously in the majority (ARENA and FMLN) show a sad outlook: the FMLN candidate, Manuel Flores, will gain only 2.9%, and the ARENA candidate, Joel Sánchez, 2.7%.
Survey “Social and Political Humor.” Electoral Perspective 2024 conducted by UFG shows that Bukele is “the best presidential candidate”, and Flores is the “worst”. The other candidates are barely known to Salvadorans. The least known is Marina Murillo
Representatives and city councils
The outlook of the deputies and councilors is not encouraging for the opposition also. Nuevas Ideas would gain 57 or 58 deputies, Arena could gain 1 or 2, and the PDC could gain one for the San Miguel department.
“People don’t know the (opposition) candidates, there’s been no campaign, there’s no money,” Picardo speculated.
In the case of MLAs, respondents were given the same ballot papers as they voted. The electoral preference of opposition candidates does not exceed 3 percent.
And as far as municipal councils are concerned, “almost all councils, including San Salvador, will be won by Nuevas Ideas,” the researcher said.