Puerto Rico joins lawsuit against Amazon for alleged practices affecting sellers and consumers

Will be part of the lawsuit filed by Puerto Rico federal trade commission (FTC) and 17 other jurisdictions usa against sales portal AmazonTo understand how this company’s practices affect the vendors it uses and, as a result, consumers.

He Justice Department, through the Office of Antitrust Affairs, joined the lawsuit Thursday night. On the other hand, he pointed out that consumers here would benefit from the ruling in the case against Google, of which Puerto Rico was a part.

“The lawsuit alleges that Amazon has employed illegal tactics to maintain its monopoly power in its markets,” said Guarionex Diaz Martínez, Assistant Secretary of the Office of Antitrust Affairs.

He pointed out that the lawsuit accuses Amazon of engaging in illegal and anti-competitive practices by setting special requirements for its sellers.

For example, prosecutors said, Amazon prevents its sellers from offering cheaper prices on other platforms, which prevents consumers from getting a better deal.

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