Questions published from FSE

Health makes public all EIR, FIR and PIR 2024 exam booklets

The Ministry of Health has also made public this Sunday the question booklets for the Specialized Health Training Examinations (FSE) in the EIR, FIR and PIR specialties. Between these three, 14,409 people took part in the test held this Saturday in 28 points throughout Spain. Specifically, 9,006 nurses took the EIR exam to apply for one of the 2,108 spots offered by Health. In general, they came away with bad feelings about the exam, primarily due to the fact that the questions focused on legislative issues and ministry protocols rather than more clinical matters. Applicants told Medical Editorial that the answers were “too complex”, more than the topics, due to the way they were prepared: “It seemed as if they were all valid and the one that was less correct had to be discarded,” ‘ one of the nurses prompted. Furthermore, applicants highlighted that some of the most expected topics did not decline, such as those related to suicide or hematology scales. In contrast, the issues that received the most prominence were related to special care, emergencies and vaccines in pediatrics.

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