Fernando David, the Prince of Piano, tells his story: “My mind is musical”

Fernando David Conde Fernandez, Cuban who has gone viral on the network for his talent on the pianoTold part of his life story and his relationship with the musical instrument.

“Since I was little when I was born, one year old, I used to sit at the piano and say ‘Hey, what a strange thing, this drawer of keys attracts my attention.’ “I started playing and with one finger I played two numbers. They played ‘La Guantanamera’ and something else,” he said in an interview with independent media from his home in Guanabacoa. kubenet,

Fernando David assures that he started studying at the Conservatory when he was five years old and that the key to his talent is joy.

“I have fun with the piano, for me the piano is not an instrument, it is a toy. I play everything that has keys, I play harpsichord, organ, organette, harpsichord,” he says.

His wife, Matilde Boada Adelma, revealed that some friends gave Fernando David a piano and complained about the precarious conditions of the house where he lives, which has aluminum tiles, unplastered walls and no door.

Fernando David also told about his illnesses. “I have a lot of diseases. “I’m schizophrenic, dysfunctional, I’m prediabetic,” he said.

“I have mastered the piano, the day the piano won’t do what I want, I’ll give it a try. The piano has to do what I say, I control the piano (…)”, he said

“I am the true grandson of Lecuona,” he concluded, laughing.

This Saturday it was revealed that Fernando David There will be a certain pena every month in Guanabacoa, In which you can offer your art and earn something for your livelihood.

The man will perform at Aparatato, a venue located in the municipality of Havana.

It was announced on his Facebook by the artist and musician Yenisi del Castillo, who is part of the UNEAC community project to help the elderly, already in contact with the public health of the region to meet their needs.

Since Sister Ariagna Brito Rodríguez published videos of her performing various songs, including Fernando’s Ave Maria, Cubans on social networks have rallied to her help.

On Friday, an influencer known as Memesterio on Facebook explained how some He bought a piano for her in a house in El Cotorro and took it as a gift,

The benefactor himself climbed onto the truck in search of the piano and delighted the people who donated to him with his music.

Also former boxer Lino Tomasén, known by the nickname “Cuban Iron Man”, visited where Fernando lives and He gave him money, clothes, shoes and even some tobacco to smoke.,

Touched by the gesture, the pianist said: “I want to play in a place to please the requests.”

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