Rafael Devers leads off against Minnesota

for this year, rafael devers He clearly believes that they have to change the bad face shown by the team last season. This requires him to deliver the highest possible performance to the team and execute spring training A high standard for a strong start to the season.

Rafael Devers gives Boston lead against Minnesota Twins

This Sunday, January 25 rafael devers Showed why he is considered a star boston red sox And one of the best hitters in the league. Collision with Massachusetts team minnesota twins In this JetBlue Park of Fort Myers, Florida, as part of the Games spring training,

The home team won with a two-nil lead in the second half. It was the turn of the second and third basemen in Boston’s batch. rafael devers, The young pitcher was on the mound. John Stankiewicz 25 years old.

men on corners red Sox, with two outs on the board and the ball coming to first. On this count, Stankiewicz missed a shot in the high area which resulted in a stiffening penalty. rafael devers, The powerful left-handed hitter allowed the delivery to come and dropped a fly ball to left field. It turned out that the ball ended up behind the high wall in that area of ​​JetBlue Park. with these three notes devers He gave his team a lead of five points.

Without further ado, enjoy the hits of Rafael Devers

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