Ricardo Cusano attacked by his former partner during New Year’s celebrations

The president of the Venezuelan Red Cross, Ricardo Cusano, suffered facial injuries after being attacked by his former partner Roberto Calcano in the middle of New Year’s celebrations at the Playa Azul club in LA on the morning of 1 January. Guerra.

According to what Cusano told on his social networks, Calcano attacked him when the businessman contacted him and complained about the debt he still owed.

“I was surprised when I met him at the New Year’s celebration, and taking advantage of the opportunity, given his permanent evasion of answering calls and messages, I asked him to take responsibility for the said debt (…), so ” Decided to attack me,” Kusano wrote at the beginning of his statement.

The former President of Fedecamaras highlighted that due to the Calcasieu disturbance, he preferred to retreat towards the beach area of ​​the tourist complex, although his former partner followed him and threw a metal glass in his face, This caused a wound, which was treated. Club Medical Services.

Similarly, Cusano said Calcano also attacked his father-in-law, an 87-year-old man, inducing a hypertensive crisis.

The businessman indicated that the violent incidents were recorded on the club’s cameras and he immediately went to the competent authorities to file a complaint.

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