Rice cooker or air fryer: which consumes more electrical energy?

Small and large appliances are a fundamental part of the daily life of the society, as these technological devices provide comfort and efficiency in performing various daily tasks, however, there are some of these devices that consume large amounts of energy.

On the other hand, people are becoming more conscious of energy consumption, for this reason, it is necessary to understand how different devices for daily use affect electricity consumption and drastically increase the value of the bill for this public service. Which has a direct impact on the pocket.

In recent years, air fryers and rice cookers have become essential appliances in the kitchen, especially for those who want to save time and eat healthy, these appliances are programmed and cook automatically for a period of time. Is cooked.

It is well known that the continuous use of these kitchen appliances can increase energy consumption, not as much as that generated by a washing machine or dryer, which according to studies are among the most energy consuming appliances.

Which appliance consumes more energy, rice cooker or air fryer?

As biochemical engineer Angel Perez explains on the ‘Robotina’ portal, the energy consumption of an air fryer is mainly determined by the model of the fryer, its power characteristics and the temperature at which it is operated, all these factors. Can determine final power consumption.

“They consume about 1,450 watts, which will depend on its size. While conventional ovens can operate with 1,000 or even 5,000 watts, a good capacity air fryer is more convenient,” says the biochemical engineer.

Regarding the energy consumption of rice cookers, ‘Elegenio’, a blog specializing in electricity consumption and solar energy production, mentions that rice cookers, like other small appliances, are classified according to their energy efficiency, because it Information is important to consumers. Know which model to buy when thinking about savings.

The energy consumption of a rice cooker depends on the brand and mainly on the size of the appliance, in addition, on the amount of rice to be cooked, as some can use 400 watts, while others can reach 1,000 watts per hour. .

In this way, air fryers can consume more energy than rice cookers, as the fryer offers versatility and can cook a large number of preparations from meat to cakes and has a minimum energy consumption of 1,450 watts per hour, while Rice cookers consume minimal energy. Consumption of 400 watts per hour.

What are some of the most energy consuming appliances?

Enel Codensa, an energy provider in Bogotá and other parts of the country, explains which are some of the appliances for daily use that represent the highest energy consumption.


Iron hair and clothes.

air fryer.

Washing machine.


electric oven.

electric heater.

vacuum cleaner.

electric stove.

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