Rice donated by China arrives at Cuban airport

A plane loaded with rice donated by China arrived at José Martí International Airport in Havana. In this way, the Asian government tries to help alleviate the current food crisis that the island is facing today.

These are the initial 68 tonnes of the proposed shipment of 408 tonnes. The remaining donations will be made through both air and sea shipments from the Asian giants. The food will be distributed as quickly as possible, according to the allocation priorities given by the Cuban government.

Of course, eating rice has practically become a luxury on the island. The unattainable prices ($250.00 CUP) charged by MSMEs prevent any basic wage employee from including it in their daily diet. Even worse is the situation with retirees who barely exceed the $1,500 cup.

China has once again extended its hand

This is not the first time that China reaches out to Cuba in the dire circumstances of the island’s reality, Coincidentally, Asian Ambassador to Havana Ma Hui reaffirmed his country’s commitment to the well-being of the Cuban people. He also highlighted that “this donation is part of a series of aid measures agreed between the two countries.”

The food shortage in Cuba does not directly affect rice itself, it is in huge demand on the island, other basics like bread are also missing, even from state centers. The Cuban government recognized the food crisis the country was currently experiencing. Given such a scenario, the donation comes at an ideal time, especially related to rice.

Newly arrived rice from China will be sent for regulated sale For consumers. This is another effort to reduce pressure on markets so that families can access this staple food in their diets. However, this is clearly not a real solution to the food crisis that Cuba faces today.

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