Ruben Blades’ controversial opinion on equal marriage

Musician Ruben Blades is in this file photo taken March 19, 2016. (Photo by Valerie Macon/AFP).

Panamanian singer-songwriter and activist Ruben Blades said this Monday that gay marriage is a legal issue, not a political one, as the issue was included in a proselytizing speech ahead of next May’s general elections.

Blades, 75, and who was Minister of Tourism (2004–2009), spoke in this way in an article in response to “recent statements by presidential candidates where they say they are against unions between people of the same sex.” Are against.” An opinion that is in accordance with what is established in the existing law of the country.

“I don’t know if they do it motivated by religious beliefs, or whether they are asking for votes through it,” the producer of hits like ‘Pedro Navaja’ or ‘Maestra Vida’ reflected on the candidates’ statements and Then shed light. He says equal marriage is “not a moral issue: it’s a legal issue.”

To argue this statement, Blades recalled the existence of an advisory opinion issued in January 2018 by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IDC), which calls on countries in the region to guarantee the human rights of sexually diverse populations. Was requested. One of these is the union of people of the same sex.

Despite calls for attention from the regional organization in this regard, the resolution of the Inter-American Court has not been complied with by Panama.

Furthermore, in a ruling issued on March 1, 2023, the Panama Supreme Court of Justice stated that marriage between people of the same sex “does not constitute a category of human right nor is it a fundamental right” in the light of the law. force in the country. Country.

The top court responded to a series of lawsuits filed since 2016 requesting it declare as “unconstitutional” laws against same-sex marriage, based on at least three cases of unions between people of the same sex celebrated abroad. Used to prevent the recognition of.

“No matter how unpopular my opinions may be in Panama and wherever else, I believe it is necessary to protect the right of an adult to love and establish a consensual relationship with another adult. The legal protections given to heterosexual marriage should also apply to marriages between people of the same sex, Blades said Monday.


(TagstoTranslate)Artist(T)Equal Marriage(T)Ruben Blades

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