Schedule MIR reforms and registration of health professionals

Health Minister, Monica Garciais committed to State Confederation of Medical Associations (CESM) to carry out “calendarization” which allows us to address in the short and medium termpending health issues The ministry has it with the unions. He did this during this Wednesday Meeting with Medical Profession Forumwhere he addressed topics related to both mir like the culmination of a Registration of Professionals,

As they are able to guess medical writing According to CESM sources, the meeting has been a “liaison with the minister”. According to the General Secretary of this federation, gabriel del pozoThe atmosphere during the meeting with Mónica García has been “very positive”. ,There seems to be involvement of the minister in this.“, has declared.

At the meeting, García “noted” and expressed willingness to work on the main topics that CESM He has been transferred. Some of these issues are focused on, as del Pozo explained training recognition or change the approach so that MIR test Evaluate the degree’s competencies.

On the other hand, with regard to specific health training, CESM has stressed the need to organize “”.elections in real time“, an issue with which the Minister has shown himself Be prepared to make it as easy as possible“As stated in training.

Moreover, the problem which is related to them doctors who are not qualified hiring is necessary, as well closing a business registry, “It can be said that Minister commit to a program To resolve all these outstanding issues,” del Pozo said.

Garcia’s meetings with unions

Apart from this meeting, the Health Minister has also held meetings UGT, CCOO, CSIF, SETSE And this Association of Nursing Technicians, which were made a few days ago, specifically last Thursday, January 11. The main basis of these has been the possibility of studying that mental disorder has been recognized as an occupational disease for health care professionals. national health system (SNS). is about Requested for months By the main unions in the framework of health issues, especially by the UGT and the CCOO.

Along with this issue, reform of the Framework Law is one of the most pending issues of this Ministry with the unions. In this sense, García has shown himself willing call talk area To carry out this work. Another demand of the union that the Minister addressed focuses on strengthening the public nature of SNS Increase in health care financing in the General State Budget (PGE), andl Increase in SNS staff and positions in medicine and nursing degrees, as detailed by CCOO sources.

saturation of hospitals, Promoting early retirement by reducing coefficientsProfessional reclassification and promotion “of all categories” 35 hour work week He has also been included in Garcia’s meetings with unions, Especially with CSIFWho also expressed good feelings after meeting the minister at that time.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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