Sebastián Sosa and other Velez players were arrested for misconduct.

four footballers from Velez Sarsfield These also include former players of Argentina Liga MX Sebastian Sosawho were sexual abuse allegation The crime, allegedly committed on March 3 in San Miguel de Tucumán (north-western Argentina), was abandoned this Monday “deprived of liberty” For 48 hours, sources in the matter said.

Will Velez players go to preventive detention?

According to the victim’s lawyers, a 24 year old woman who accused the footballers a few days later, when he gave details of They abused her in a hotel Who went on a date with the Uruguayan goalkeeper sebastian sosaThe players will be “deprived of liberty” until another hearing takes place that will determine whether they will Preventive prison.

who are accused isolated as a precaution ‘Fortin’, nationalized Mexican goalkeeper from Uruguay, is a midfielder from Paraguay, in the professional team jose ignacio florentin and argentina brian caffrey (defense) and Abil OsorioPromising 21 year old forward

Vélez suspended their contracts

Through a statement that he spread through his social networks Club Atlético Vélez Sarsfield he reported it employment contract suspended that he allegedly had relations with four footballers sexual harassment,

“Based on publicly known facts, involving the players of the Institution’s professional team, footballers Sebastián Sosa, José Florentín, Brian Cufré and Abel Osorio, the Club informs that on the date The suspension of the employment contract was resolved Of the four players,” the Argentine team published.

“At the same time, Start of internal summary So that, as soon as possible, Definite steps to be taken in relation to the four players“He added.

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