Second attempt to evacuate Pablo Escobar’s mansion fails

They seize the residence that Pablo Escobar may have paid for. , Photo: Photo 1: Getty. Photo: Prosecutor’s Office.

For the second time in a row, the eviction process carried out by the Special Assets Company in the company of the police failed in the mansion of Pablo Escobar in Medellín, a house in which relatives of the deceased owner still live.

per week

Semana learned that, although everything was ready to carry out the procedure this Wednesday, the authorities had to stop the removal due to the guardianship filed by Víctor Orfenio Moreno Parra, informal agent of Pablo Escobar’s nephew and son Joseph Escobar Escariaga. Works as. Roberto, alias Osito, brother of the famous drug smuggler.

A source confirmed to Semana that the family alleges that 22-year-old Joseph Escobar is ill, so the removal has not yet been able to go ahead. However, SAE hopes that this situation will be resolved by Justice in the next 15 days.

about the mansion

The property is located in the exclusive area of ​​La Asomadera and has a starting price of 12 billion pesos. Obviously, the boss must have named it after the people in front of him; When he died, several people claimed the estate.

Investigators suspect that Roberto de Jesus Escobar Gaviria, brother of the criminal and known as Osito, took advantage of this situation to maintain control over the house.

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