Sermas approves changes and more marks in medical hiring

This Friday, the Official Gazette of the Community of Madrid includes legislation on measures to simplify and improve the efficiency of institutions and organizations. Submitted by the Popular Party, and approved in the Assembly only by its votes, the rules modify its operation Healthcare contracting agencywhich will centralize all purchases Madrid Health Service (Sermas), from supplies to works.

The new law states that the health contracting agency will begin operating when “it has.” Necessary human and material resources For the proper fulfillment of its purposes and functions, and as determined by the agreement of its board of directors.” After its implementation “it shall be subject to all rights and obligations. Madrid Health Care Purchasing Center Pending execution until their complete extinction, as well as contracts for the purchase, supply, goods, works and services of the same entity and centers and other entities associated with or dependent on it, whose processing corresponds to the agency.

madrid healthcare contracting agency

In October, madrid government Francisco Javier Galán Serapio was appointed CEO of the health contracting agency. Gallon has Extensive experience as an executive and director in banking, And have received training in business administration and management. The appointment was another step in the deployment of the organization, a project of previous Health Minister Enrique Ruiz Escudero. Recently, it also revealed what its structure would be, divided into: Purchasing Directorate, Contract Directorate and General Secretariat.

Furthermore, on August 7, the Health Ministry had already made a centralized procurement for the supply of flat clothes, clothes for patients, operating rooms and uniforms for Sarmas hospitals. Then ministry sources explained medical writing That “although centralized clothing purchasing has already been done, it is part of Establishing efficiency models and common quality standards and shall be extended to other health goods, services and supplies, and for the purpose of Health Contract Agency of the Community of Madrid,

Sermas Managers Appointments

The rules published in the bulletin also address Election of Sarmas Managers, the changes were criticized by the entire opposition (Más Madrid, PSOE and Vox). In the debate about this law madrid assemblyThe PP deputy, José Virgilio Menéndez, defended that with this “three issues that respond to the organizational and functional demands” of Sermas have been resolved. “We accelerated the appointments of Sermas management staff, responding rapidly to the demands of each centre; made the health contracting agency more executive, which will now depend on the Minister of Health; tightened controls on recruitment non-EU. Doctor Who was founded in omnibus law Last year,” Virgilio said.

With regard to the appointments of Sermas managers, before the entry into force of this Law, their election was carried out through a procedure Public appearance with competition of merit, Now, the Board of Directors of Sermas, on the proposal of its General Director, will appoint and dismiss Managing Directors and Regional Directors. The new law eliminates the maximum time that a manager can be in charge of a healthcare organization. The 2017 rule states that appointments to the posts are made for a period of five years, with a possible extension for a further five years if the Governing Board so decides, and with continuous evaluation. Now, Managers can be fired only for “negative evaluations”,

This amendment also affects Article 11 sermas commercialization law Mention of management personnel dependent on Management Directorate or Regional Primary Care Directorate, In this case, “managerial posts shall be provided by the system of free appointment”, thus eliminating “selection by public call from the selective process for the performance of the post”. Furthermore, the appointment of management personnel will be proposed by the general management under dependence on the General Director of Sermas, “who will be competent to agree on their appointment and removal.”

Hiring non-EU doctors

The Law on Measures to Simplify and Improve the Efficiency of Institutions and Organizations also addresses the recruitment of non-EU doctors without nationality, pointing to “existential needs”. “Shortage of doctors”, In September, the Community of Madrid published an order exempting Nationality requirement for non-EU health professionals Those who practice in specialties that are considered inadequate, such as family medicine or pediatrics, However, the new rules indicated that practical application was not becoming practical, as its application is conditional on the processing of an order “the procedural requirements for the processing of which delay and postpone its coming into force.”

For this reason, the Ayuso Government has considered it necessary to include in this new law the abolition of the compulsory nature of nationality Selective procedures for temporary statutory personnel In centers linked to the Madrid Health Service. “For reasons of general interest,” it points out, like the rules approved in other autonomous communities. The measure will apply to categories that require medical expertise and “after appropriate report from the competent body of the Ministry of Health.”

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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