Shocking testimony of a priest’s abuse of a nun

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“My desire is to break the circle of loneliness and silence in which I found myself for many years, a deafening silence. I wish that the truth and the evil that we have suffered be recognized, that justice be done, that we be shown: we are more than two. But they tell us to shut up, to disappear, they stigmatize us by calling us ‘prostitutes’ and that is not acceptable.’

By: The Nation

For the first time in front of more than a hundred journalists from around the world, the former Italian nun Gloria Branciani, who will turn 60 in April and who was one of the victims of the former Jesuit Marko Ivan Rupnik, along with the Slovenian Mirjam Kovac, an artist known for his mosaics And the painting is famous around the world and was for some years the center of a scandal, representing another headache for Pope Francis.

Although Rupnik, 69, was expelled from the Society of Jesus in June last year, he remains a priest in Slovenia. He is known throughout the world for decorating the Redemptoris Mater Chapel of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace with his colorful mosaics and for taking his art to various places around the world, including Marian sanctuaries in Italy, Spain, Fatima, Portugal. , and Aparecida. , Brazil, as well as in churches dedicated to John Paul II in Kraków, Poland and Washington DC, United States.

The scandal surrounding his personality came to light in December 2021, when, following the publication in some media of the testimony of former victims in gruesome details, the Society of Jesus acknowledged in a note that it had received a complaint that year to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith Was. A lawsuit against him for sexual and psychological abuse by nuns of the Loyola community of Lublin, Slovenia, was founded in the 1980s by a nun to whom Rupnik was a “spiritual father”. There was later intervention by the Holy See in that community and the former Holy Office closed the case as the facts were determined.

You can read the full note here Nation

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