Natalie Portman opens up about split rumors for the first time

Natalie Portman at the Dior show during Fashion Week. (In Paris, 22 January 2024).
Stéphane Cardinale – Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images

In an interview published in Vanity Fair On February 21, the actress describes the duality between her public life and private life, which are often intertwined.

Natalie Portman will be one of the lucky few to appear on the prestigious cover of the American magazine’s annual “Hollywood” issue. Vanity Fair, Which highlights the most prominent stars of the moment. On this occasion, the actress gave a long interview to the magazine, returning to the separation, no longer so opaque, that she imposes between public life and private life.

“I chose a different name when I started”

From the very beginning of her early career, Natalie Portman decided to separate her life as a young girl and that of an actress. First decision, choose an assumed name: Portman. “Very early on, I started protecting myself. When I started I chose a different name, which was a very interesting way to separate the identity. If someone at school called me Natalie Portman, I would get upset. I was like: If you know me, you know me as Natalie Hershlag,” she explains. Vanity Fair.

Changed direction once I became a mother

When the actress becomes a mother, she questions this complete separation between public and private life. First, because like many other parents, she brings work home. “Sometimes I try to do the pronunciations I work on when I read them a bedtime story, just to practice, and they go crazy,” she tells the magazine about her kids, Aleph. , 12 years old and Amalia, 6 years old. , Especially when she thinks she’s on the private side, Natalie Portman often finds herself approached by fans or photographers. “When I started having kids and a family, I realized that maybe living like there were two people inside of me wasn’t helpful. As a public figure I have many interactions throughout my day. It is not realistic to extrapolate this from your experience. » An observation that allowed him to keep this isolation in perspective, up to a certain point.

rumors of adultery

Last summer, several media outlets claimed that her husband, dancer and choreographer Benjamin Millepied, was having an affair with 25-year-old climate activist Camille Etienne. No confirmation or denial since then. When the journalist Vanity Fair When she asks him questions about media coverage of his marriage and his potential relationship problems, he responds with one sentence: “It’s terrible, I don’t want to contribute to it.” end of discussion.

Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied on the Golden Globes red carpet. (In Los Angeles, January 8, 2017).
WWD/Penske Media via Getty Images

All of Natalie Portman’s appearances on the Cannes red carpet

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