SmartFit Puerta Aragon: 20-year-old girl Aileen died while exercising

OrShocking news has emerged from the facilities of gym of Mexico City When? A young woman died while exercising in a SmartFit, According to what was reported during the day this Thursday, February 29, 2024, it was announced that the woman, whose name is Aileen, she was 20 and lost his life at the said place Aragon GateIn our nation’s capital.

This has been mourned by people through social networks, who have not stopped wishing for the speedy resignation of the family, but have also pointed out the risks that exercise can pose for some people.

Let us tell you that this was the second death in these gyms in a few days. And something similar happened with the death of a person in a branch of Iztacalco.

Smartfit How did Aileen die in Puerta Aragon?

That’s when everything happened, thanks to a report by social media journalist and Multimedios collaborator Carlos Jiménez, best known for his space C4Jiménez. Aileen was working out regularly at the SmartFit Puerta Aragon gym above, In the nation’s capital, Gustavo A. Madero is located in the mayor’s office.

According to the source, the woman became unconscious and then they came to help her. with a call to Paramedics from Civil Defense Secretariat (SSC), She was expected to help him, but it was not possible. And even though they tried to help him, aileen sanchez He could not get up and then his death was confirmed.

Second death at Smartfit gym in CDMX

This unfortunate death comes just a few days after a similar fate befell a man. And this second person also died in the same gym of the chain. smart fitBut the Iztacalco mayor’s office is located on Plaza Via 515.

the said person he was 49 years old Even moreHe fell while exercising on the treadmill in the gym.

The name of this person was Oscar Granados and this was confirmed by the same people who work here Iztacalco’s SmartFit When an attempt was made to revive him, it was not successful.

It should be noted that The Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City (FGJCDMX) has opened an investigation folder To determine the exact cause of death at the SmartFit gym.

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