Study MIR and party at the same time: is it possible?

It’s been more than half a year since Mar Sanchez completed her medicine degree University of Verona And changed the race notes for those mir 2024 With a date in mind: next 20 January, With less than two weeks left for the exams, she feels “very proud” of herself if she looks back at this time. And the day this initial ‘journey’ began, he received Bad news about a family member’s healthBut he knew how to overcome adversity Focus on studies, Although with a realistic approach: “I told myself that there are more important things in life, and it is logical that at that moment it will not go as I expected, if it goes wrong then nothing will happen.”

Vacation time during MIR preparation

With this vision in mind, Sanchez embarked on a journey that has taken him strike a balance Find out as much as possible moments of separation, “I went to the party with as much or even more preparation for MIR than I did in the last years of my degree,” he tells us. At the end of the practice, which usually fell on a Saturday, an internal The voice always told him the same thing: “I want a beer.” Her friends joke with her that she is “losing neurons”, but they have all become aware during this time.Importance of quality rest for healthier and more effective performance,

But as the calendar progressed, this changed Study hours take up most of the day. “You enter a dynamic in which you have less and less left, they give you topics to review with a lot of curriculum, you see that you don’t get there and you Want to see the thing. And you cut down on your free time, even though that shouldn’t happen,” he says.

“You enter a dynamic in which you have less and less left, they give you subjects to review with a lot of curriculum, you see that you do not come (…) and you waste your Let’s reduce the time.”

At this point in ‘MIR Year’, he recognizes that he still has energy left works better under pressure, Nevertheless, he says he is “very clear” that he always has to sleep eight hours: “If one day I finish studying at 10:30 pm and go to bed at 12 o’clock and I have to wake up at 8:00 I wake up in the morning and start studying later, I do that,” he says. He also considers it necessary to respect his Sunday holiday.

Despite this, final stretch This journey is characterized by cumulative exhaustion. “Every day it’s hard for me to get out of bed, I finally snooze ten alarms“, he tells us. He month of december With the holidays involved, it has become even more complicated for her, who, as she says, He is not particularly fond of Christmas., He recalls, “Since the library opened at different times, I would study at home in the mornings and start a little late each day.” This also included the component of seeing how her family and friends “get together or take trips” while she only saw her notes on the table.

Anesthesiology or intensive care?

At the time of choose specialty, Sanchez has two vocations in mind that emerged at different times during his career. The first is anesthesia, which caught his attention during first year of university after giving up Thinking of becoming a neurosurgeon Which I had in the beginning. But another concern was added to her imagination when she did her fourth-year internship: intensive care medicine, to the extent that she described herself as “in love with this specialty.”

“Everyone tells you they are two specialties that are very similar, although anesthesia has a better quality of life, with more opportunities,” he explains. However, “the heart” motivates him to work. Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Nevertheless, he prefers to leave this dilemma ‘on hold’ until he is clear about his real options: “When I know the grades in these four months I’m going to think a little bit about what my What a life,” he concluded.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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