Jeff Bezos is 60 years old and is the third richest person in the world

Jeff Bezos is 60 years old and is the third richest person in the world

fate of jeff bezos It amounts to approximately $170,000 million. His future wife, presenter Lauren SanchezExtinguished the candles exactly a month before that. Bezos recently said, “I’d like to see a billion humans living in space colonies, so we’d have 1,000 Mozarts and 1,000 Einsteins.” 169.7 billion dollars. That is, according to Forbes, the fate … Read more

A person’s fingerprints may be identical

A person’s fingerprints may be identical

Engineers from the American universities of Columbia and Buffalo have created a new fingerprint analysis Through artificial intelligence (AI), which overturns the long-held belief in forensic medicine that no two fingerprints are ever alike, even from different ones of the same person. Not even on the fingers. The discovery, reported this Wednesday by the journal … Read more