Navalny will return, but only when Putin’s government ends

Navalny will return, but only when Putin’s government ends

(CNN) — The images were emotional: Alexei Navalny mourners lined up around the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God in Moscow’s Maryino district on Friday, risking arrest to pay their last respects to the man they call their hero . Each red carnation held by a supporter of Russian dissidents can be … Read more

Putin gave Kim Jong Un a car as a sign of “special personal relations”, according to North Korean state media

Putin gave Kim Jong Un a car as a sign of “special personal relations”, according to North Korean state media

(CNN) — Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a car to his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong Un, North Korean state media said Tuesday, another sign of strengthening ties between the two countries that has raised concerns in the United States . The state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported that the Russian-made car was delivered … Read more

Did the Ukraine war weaken Putin? CIA chief made this disclosure

Did the Ukraine war weaken Putin?  CIA chief made this disclosure

Vladimir Putin. file At a time when the President of the United States, Joe Biden, The director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has redoubled efforts to get Congress to approve a new military aid package for Ukraine. William J. burns, This Tuesday he published a column in the North American magazine foreign affairs andAnn … Read more