How the Russian military recruited hundreds of Cuban mercenaries to fight in Ukraine

Vladimir Putin’s death trap: How the Russian military recruited hundreds of Cubans to fight in Ukraine. (Reuters).

Hundreds of thousands of Cubans have left their country in recent months, attracted by job offers in Russia, hoping to escape the deep crisis plaguing Cuba and improve their quality of life. But what awaits them is a true hell: the war in Ukraine, where, according to the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal, they are used as mercenaries by the Russian army, which recruits them under deception and threats. Does.

by infobay

The situation in Cuba is serious. The island is suffering from a deep economic and social crisis, exacerbated by the repression of the Miguel Díaz-Canel regime. Shortages of fuel, food and medicine have become debilitating, power cuts are frequent and popular discontent is growing.

Faced with this scenario, many Cubans consider migration as the only way out. According to official US government data, more than 500,000 people, or 5% of its population, have immigrated to the United States over the past two years.

But not everyone has that option. Some people, in desperation, accept a job offer in Russia, not knowing that it is a trap. Upon reaching Moscow, they learn that they have to enlist in the Russian army and travel to Ukraine, where a bloody war has been going on since February 24, 2022.

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