Tension rises between Miley and the provinces in Argentina: “Not a single barrel of oil will leave the country”

The fight between President Javier Meili and the governors of Argentina’s provinces reached the brink of institutional crisis this Friday night. Miley has been lashing out for weeks at the provincial governments, whom he accuses of being among the culprits in thwarting his great legislation to abolish the state after being debated in Congress and whom he accuses of cutting transfers from federal tax collections. Have cut down. Government, reduce your government’s expenses. This Friday, tension has also increased against the governors that the President may consider political allies.

The conflict began on Friday, when Ignacio Torres, the governor of the Patagonian province of Chubut, threatened at a rally to cut off gas and oil supplies if the federal government did not release about 13.5 billion pesos (about $16 million). Dollar). In withheld federal sharing funds. “We give the national government until Wednesday,” Torres said. “If he doesn’t get off our backs and get another barrel of oil out of Chubut for Argentina. And I want to see them there, to see if they’re as beautiful.” The government responded through the Interior Minister that the money was withheld due to debt.

Governor Torres, 35, came to office in December as a representative of the Republican Proposal (PRO) party, which was founded by conservative former President Mauricio Macri and is still led. The PRO has been Miley’s biggest ally in Congress, and even gave Miley regional clout early in last November’s elections to monitor votes in her favor across the country. However, the party and its coalition of governors have come out in support of Torres.

“Non-compliance with the laws and agreements between the nation and the provinces does not affect governors, but affects the 50 million Argentines living in the country’s 24 jurisdictions,” the leaders said in a statement issued by the province’s governor. Signed by the mayors of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro, and his colleagues from the provinces of Chaco, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Jujuy, Mendoza, San Juan, San Luis and the mayor of the federal capital. It has also received the support of six Patagonian provinces, who have told Miley that “to strip a province of more than a third of its territory is a criminal action that has the deliberate purpose of oppressing its inhabitants in order to force its government to resign.” Follows.” To adopt some political decisions. In one fell swoop, Miley faced opposition from political leaders in more than half of the 24 Argentine jurisdictions.

“Hello Nachito and comrades, I’m giving you something from the Penitentiary,” replied Miley, who plunged into another frenzied night of threats and insults on her social networks, supporting the messages of her followers who Tried to commit “extortion”. Torres was described as an “idiot.” Miley wrote on her …”

“The president keeps looking for imaginary enemies to keep him from taking charge of what he has to do: govern,” Torres said in a radio interview this Saturday. “There was no national government whose objective was to carry out the killing as has been done with Chubut province. “We are not asking for a single peso, we are asking for respect.”

The fight, mired in a legal dispute over public funds, highlights another battle in PRO, which has already seen its electoral coalition, called Together for Change, divided over its support for Miley in Congress. Torres denounced this Saturday that Miley wants to divide the party to which he belongs, which was founded by Macri, which will hold internal elections next month to elect a new president and a full coalition with Miley in Congress or Will define their political direction while remaining independent. ,

The preferred candidate is former President Macri, who is still in touch with Miley after supporting him in the election. And, according to Governor Torres, he has sought a means of dialogue with the President to defuse the crisis. The current chair of the party is former presidential candidate and current Minister of Security for Militia, Patricia Bullrich, who has sided with the President in the controversy. “No member of PRO can agree or validate the threat of confiscating private property,” he told Torres on his social networks. “The dilemma is simple: either everything will remain the same or we will accept freedom and change.”

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(Tags to translate)Argentina(T)United States(T)Latin America(T)Javier Miley(T)Mauricio Macri(T)Patricia Bullrich(T)Political crisis(T)Economic crisis

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