The blow struck by Luis Torrens ended with the ejection of Henry Blanco (Video)

The manager of the Lara Cardinals, Henry Blanco, argues with the head referee. , Photo: x/

This Tuesday there was controversy in the second game of the LVBP Grand Final between Cardenales de Lara and Tiburones de la Guerra due to the expulsion of manager Henry Blanco after pitcher Rodrigo Benoit hit Luis Torrens at the University Stadium of Caracas.

According to reports from journalists Raúl Zambrano and Guillermo Linares on their

The umpires met to make a decision and talked for five minutes, until the umpire ejected the pitcher.

The Crepusculars’ manager, Henry Blanco, angrily walked onto the field to demand punishment and had a heated argument with the principal, who ejected him from the game.

For his part, communicator Marco Ruiz stated that the umpire’s decision was “exaggerated”, as a mere warning to the pitcher was sufficient.

(TagstoTranslate)Cardinals de Lara(T)Gran Final of LVBP(T)Henry Blanco(T)Luis Torrens(T)Tiburones de la Guerra

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